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They walked inside as Galadriel still was blushing from seeing a bare man for the first in her 100-year life she lived. Bard walks in after her as he had put his lower garments on while he grunts at how relaxed he felt after so long. Galadriel wore her dress but when she walks inside she glances back to Bard who was cracking his neck to the side. His light blue eyes opened a crack seeing her watch him and she turns hurrying to a part of the wall. Her hand raises while a door forms slowly opening.

"Hm?" Bard blinks as he saw the door while she disappears inside.

The door shuts as he walks into the sitting area and his mind began to wander to when he first put his wife and child on the boat to escape.

'Pabbi! (Papa!)' His son calls out reaching for him.

'Bárður! Komdu með okkur! (Bard! Come with us!)' His wife calls out.

'Ég verð að vernda þorpið! Ég kem aftur til þín á öruggan hátt! Vera öruggur! (I have to protect the village! I'll come back to you safely! Be safe!') Bard grips his axe in his left hand.

The boat began to tip as Bard kisses his wife one last time before the boat shoves off as Frost giants began to charge at the departing boats. Bard charges with his ax screaming his battle cry. His anger and fear for his family built as he swung his axe.

"Bard? Bard!" His eyes snapped back to reality as Galadriel was in front of him. Wearing a pair of pants and long sleeve shirt. Galadriel had shaken him quite a bit, "You were shaking standing here. Are you okay?"

Bard blinks some but shifts his eyes to the side, "Ah...uh ... yes, I'm fine..." He began to walk towards the bedroom while cupping his face. Dragging his palm down his face, "I'm going to lay down a bit..." Before she put a word in, the door opened and shut. Galadriel stood there as silence filled her home. Holding her fist by her chest as she wonders if he experienced.... her eyes widened, "His family..." whispering as looking at her hands in front of her and then to the door. Gripping her hands walking back outside to her. Out of the spring, another elf formed. Her hair is light blue with darker blue streaks. Galadriel walks towards her as the elf steps onto the ground smiling to Galadriel, "Chwaer annwyl natur, rwy'n synhwyro'ch pryder. Beth sy'n bod? (Dear sister of nature, I sense your worry. What is the matter?)"

"Chwaer... a yw'r dyfroedd wedi corddi gyda chyrff newydd yr ymadawedig? (Sister... have the waters churned with new bodies of the deceased?)" Galadriel asked worry in her tone.

Speaking in their natural tongue made Galadriel feel more comfortable as her sister of the oceans in some parts of the sea sighs deeply. Worry filled her sea green eyes as she held Galadriel's hands in her, "Pam ydych chi'n gofyn cwestiwn o'r fath? (Why do you ask such a question?)"

Galadriel cast her eyes down to the ground as her sister's eyes still soften but closes sensing that this must be a personal question, "Mae'n ymwneud â'r mynydd eira yn Llychlynwyr yn eich cartref? Fydd y newyddion ddim yn dda... (It is about the snow mountain Viking in your home. The news will not be good...)"

Galadriel sucked in her bottom lip as the water around her sister began to glow and soon showed the ocean, Galadriel glances around, "Ydy hyn yn...? (Is this...?)"

There were bodies of men and children who have drowned in the ocean as the images began to glow around a pair. Galadriel looks closer as the images were of a dingy blond-haired strong-looking woman with a young boy in her arms. His hair was blond as well but... She had a deep sinking horrible feeling fill her insides.

"Boddi llong gyda rhyw 30 o bobl ar ei bwrdd... serch hynny dwi'n gweld. Mae'n rhaid i'r fenyw a'r plentyn hwn ... fod yn ...(The drowning of a ship with about 30 people on board... I see though. This woman and child... must be...)"

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