Chapter 11

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Dalila walked out the big front door, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. She felt suffocated by the big house.
For the rest of the day, Dalila spent her time with Hugh and Millard's playing soccer. She wasn't exactly the best player but she liked to think that she held up well against the two. "And score!" Hugh exclaimed in joy as the other two panted heavily. "You cheated!" Exclaimed Millard, "There were bees flying everywhere!"
"You cheated too!" Hugh said.

"Yeah Millard you took your clothes off in the middle of the game, that is cheating" Dalila said laughing. "Oh you are one to talk?" He responded "There are patches of ice everywhere" he pointed twords the field partially covered in thin ice. "That's not cheating, that's being resourceful" "Honestly I still don't know why you insist on partaking in these games, Dalila" said Horace who was the referee of the game.

"Oh come one Horace, they are fun!" Dalila felt more relaxed than she had been after lunch. She loved being outside, especially when she was stressed out of her mind. She remembered the countless 'fights' she used to have with Enoch about whether they should stay inside or outside.

And there he was again, Enoch O'Connor with his stupid face and his stupid dolls. "Look who decided to come out" Hugh exclaimed.
"Miss. Peregrine made me" he said. "She said I was getting too pale"
"Oh none sense Enoch!" Olive said as she clung to his arm "You look so full of life!" Dalila accidentally snorted but immediately tried to cover it. Enoch's eyes rested on her for a while, so many things he wanted to say, but he had no clue where to even start. First of all he would have to apologize...and everyone knew how much Enoch hated doing that. "So! What if we play something?" Asked Emma cheerfully as the younger children jumped happily. "What did you have in mind?" Asked Millard. "How about tag? Enoch eyes slightly widened and his eyes fixed on Dalila...he knew...he was aware.

"We need to get out of here" Ron whispered "No shit Sherlock" Fred mumbled. "What if I start an earthquake?" Ron suggested. "No, we would be engulfed too quickly" Dalila said with the last bit of sanity that remained in her. "They killed off all the young ones in order didn't they?" Dalila felt sick at George's question.
"Maryanne, Leo, Cressida and Missy...They are going by age" Dalila felt the wave of realization crash on her skull. She slowly turned to face Gilbert "That means..."
Gilbert looked at her with pure terror in his eyes. "No, no, no, no absolute fucking way! This can't be happening!" The poor boy panicked as he realized he would be next. The music coming from the speakers felt louder than ever before. "No...we already lost four...we will make it out alive, even if it's the last thing we do" said Ron, determination clear in his eyes. The cages opened before them...their face confused, were they letting them out?

"Actually I think I'll skip tag" Dalila said as she tried to control the tremble in her voice.

(Sorryy bit of a short chapter)

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