Chapter 9

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"What has gotten into you, Olive?" Emma asked as she slightly raised her voice. Enoch stormed to his room and Olive immediately began throwing a fit about how it was u fair and that they should all be ashamed "Olive...are you okay?" Dalila asked as the table was still silent after Enoch's and Olive's outburst. "YES I'M FUCKING FINE! AND DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT DALILA! YOU HAVE HAD COUNTLESS YEARS TO BE WITH ENOCH, AND NOW HE WILL BE MINE, THEREFORE IVE NEVER, EVER BEEN HAPPIER!" Her outburst made the whole table go quiet. Everyone looked awkward, with no idea what to say while a frown of disgust and confusion crossed Dalila's face.

"I don't want to be with Eno-" she began "Oh don't make me laugh, Dalila!" Olive said rising to her feet. "You have been smitten with him ever since you first laid eyes on him. And you love him even now! Although you claim you hate him just to hide your pathetic feelings!" Olive yelled fully intending to hurt Dalila's feelings.
"Olive, that is more than enough!" Miss. Peregrine exclaimed firmly "up to your room, I heard way too much hostility from you tonight" she said gesturing upstairs to Olive's room which she shared with Bronwyn. Olive slammed her gloved hands on the table as she stood up and stormed off just like Enoch had done a few minutes prior.

"I deeply apologize Jake...Usually we are not this aggressive" Emma exclaimed, keeping her head low. Jake simply nodded and the rest continued eating. Dalila gloomily stared down at her shiny black shoes. 'This is ridiculous' she thought to herself. They all finished their lunch in silence, staring at their plates. Even the younger children who were usually chatterboxes became especially quiet. Miss. Peregrin cleared her throat "Children, freshen up, we will be heading for our walk soon" she began to clear the table sending her children off.

When Dalila was done washing the dishes she made her way upstairs to her room until she heard voices at the end of the corridor. She stopped at the corner making sure not to be seen.
"How frustrating for you..." Dalila peaked her head out "Between Miss Peregrine's rules and my housemates little pipe not to scare you off
it's like no ones telling you anything?" Of course it was Enoch.
"So why don't you then?" Jake Began instigating. "It's not like you want me hear anyways" Enoch had a tempting smirk on his face. "Enoch, you can't" Fiona warned "You promised"
"We all promised" Dalila said as she got out of her 'hiding spot'. His eyes lingered on her for a few moments as she made her way towards them. "In that case" he turned his head back to Jake who still stood in front of him. "I do know of someone who didn't...what to meet him?" his smirk came back on his face wider than before.
Everyone's eyes widened "Enoch, no" Dalila tried to warn but he was already making his way towards the old room that no one had opened in a while. Olive quickly positioned herself in front of the door "Enoch don't do this, please" she begged. He simply stared down at her, no emotion present in his eyes other than irritation. "Move Olive" he ordered, Olive turned red at the proximity.
"W-well...if you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend" she said as she rushed down the stairs to her room. Enoch simply scoffed, not caring about a single thing Olive had said.
"Enoch! Leave Victor alone, it really upsets Bronwyn" "Stop fussing Fiona, don't you think Jake should meet everybody?" He asked rhetorically. Dalila couldn't stand it so she grabbed on his wrist that was placed on the handle. "Enoch, don't, I'm being serious, you can't use Victor to scare him off. It is highly immoral and unethical an-" "Dalila, I will cut your chest open and use your heart for one of my dolls if you don't move right this second." He looked at her dead in the eyes as she gulped, it really wasn't hard for her to believe Enoch's threat so she slowly removed her hand from his wrist, the feeling of warmth soon leaving her skin, she didn't mind, she never liked the warmth anyways.

His eyes remained locked on her for a few more moments before opening the door and making his way towards his best friend.
But the younger kids didn't stop their attempts to get Jake out of there.
"He is just trying to frighten you Jake.." said Fiona "Yes, he has always been jealous of Abe and now he is jealous of you" said Millard probably throwing daggers at Enoch who still held the door open for Jake. Enoch rolled his eyes "Jealous?"  He scoffed "And why would I be jealous of Abe? Enlighten me" He looked at Millard with challenging eyes. Dalila was sure of what he was gonna say so she tried to stop him before he could utter the words "Millard no-" "Because you are a possessive bastard and Dalila loved Abe more than she ever loved you" and he said it...great.
During their friendship this was always a big issue. Enoch was a very possessive person, not used to sharing his things with anyone. Same thing went for his friends, so when Abe and Dalila started to forge a strong bond, Enoch did not take it very well.
He hated the fact that he had to 'share' Dalila with anybody else. So when Abe decided to go on his big trip around the loops he was somewhat relieved. But reality crashed on him as soon as he realized that they never lost contact and that no matter what, Dalila still talked about him fondly.

This was the biggest insecurity of Enoch O'Connor: being second place for the people he considered in first place.
The tension that formed was so dense that you could probably cut it with a butter knife.
Jake became highly impatient wanting to know what was going on "I would like to meet Victor" he said. "After you" Enoch replied calmly still murdering Millard with his stare.
Jake was taken aback when he saw Victor's body, and he was more taken aback when Enoch began placing a heart in his corpse who suddenly sprung up.
"Hello Jake, I'm Victor." The body spoke as a tear made its way down Dalila's face as Fiona hid herself behind her, gripping her black skirt for dear life.
"You want to know what killed me Jake?" This seemed to be the last straw for him since he sprinted out the door as Enoch carefully took out the heart from his chest and placed it back in the jar.

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