10 YEARS AGO - YEAR 3023 - FLASHBACK The Devastation of Paradise

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He and his fellow "researchers" confidently marched forward straight into the mist without any trace of fear. A week has passed, and only 1 out of 14 members of the group still stays standing. He's the creature of the lowest rank in the group, yet he's the one who made it through all of the distortion. As the Lesser Creature named Antoine made his way through the mist.. It slowly reveals a faint flash of light that develops into a blinding and glistening crystal. As he recovers from the blinding light and gazes upon the beautiful, fleeting paradise. He says to himself quietly, "This journey, was it all worth it? This sense of guilt that envelops my mind, knowing what's bound to happen to this wonderful paradise filled with beautiful Higher Creatures. Oh the guilt!"

Antoine knows what he was assigned to do, and he lives by a code given to him by his so-called organization. He didn't have a choice, Antoine thought to himself that he would perish either way. To do it or not, he had absolutely no choice. Antoine gave proper analysis before proceeding with his task. In his very hesitant state, a projection was sent to his wristband saying "I know that you're hesitant, yet you should do it. It's for the better, of course." After receiving the message Antoine realized that this "anonymous" person spoke with a cunning voice. Yet, she had another realization that he's being watched even from a distance. With that he moved on with the plan, he set up a "device" given by his organization. The Flügels didn't even notice since he's quite skilled in persuasion. As he set up the Amulet of La Douleur... he had accomplished it.

A few minutes.. A huge nuclear-like blast has been set off in the Grand Espoir Shrine of Angélique that's right in the heart of the city. 98% of the population of Flügels has been wiped out, and the entire island has been demolished into small fractions. Only those who were not there during the time of the blast are still alive. The pain that the "lucky" 2% percent has isn't erasable at all. They only yearn for revenge and what they could've done if they were there. As for Antione, he was prepared with a shielding ability given by his organization that can withstand the blast. If he could get in, then he can go out.. He has accomplished it smoothly without fail. Antione felt too much remorse for the lives that were lost that he can no longer live on. A portal from his organization has picked him up just in the nick of time before going through the mist again.

After arriving at the headquarters of their organization, Antione imagined a highly developed building. Yet, it was some sort of fortress hidden inside a cold, frosty, unexplored mountain. He was brought into the "Majesty's" room, the chair was turned backwards. With the tense and terrifying aura surrounding the room, he knew deep inside that it's something horrific but important. In a blink of an eye, the "Majesty" has turned her chair without a single sound but a faint squeak. Antione has expected a man who has a berserk nature. Still, he cannot believe his own eyes. Fear was clearly shown on his face, as if his darkest dreams had been given a visible form.

As he was trembling in fear, the woman chuckled saying "You didn't expect this, didn't you? I just love the expression of uncertainty" She chuckles quietly, moving a few more steps away from her chair and the darkness. Antione was in the presence of the most powerful creature of all, a Ruling Hydra.. Yet he sees a beautiful woman with bright ocean blue eyes, glistening sky blue hair, and fair white skin. The woman knew what he was thinking, then she spoke with a confident voice saying; "Do you have your doubts about me? Your so-called "assassin's" intuition? Well, mind you that I've destroyed the Flügel race for a good cause." Antoine just starred on the floor wearing a pitiful face.

Still shivering with fear, he kneeled down on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, I do not wish to insult you for I am a Lower Creature. Although, I do pity the lives taken by this "magic device" you used to destroy both their lives and their land..." The woman replied with a calm yet cunning voice that later on turned into one filled with anger, "Ah, stand up and look at me. THIS is for the greater GOOD, do you not understand? Perhaps you are truly a Lower Creature. Shining Shades, take him into the Mist Forest where he will never be found again!" The face of Antione is filled with tears that he's going into a forest that no one can get out of. He has regretted each and every single action of his, but he still chose to live on to try and get out of there.

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