Chapter 6

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Connor's POV

I stood in the middle of my room shaken after Raysa left. There was blood in my room? Bianca was missing? I felt like if it was my fault. My fault for ever breathing the name Eleanor.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind and the Uber driver from yesterday was in my room. I was taken back. I clenched my fists.

"Who are you?" And what do you want?" I exclaimed.

She smiled the most beautiful smile in the world. "Oh Connor, you already know who I am."

She took a step forward, in one graceful move she unbuckled the large navy blue cape that was around her. I watched as the wind whisked it away to reveal the navy blue lace one piece she had on.I took a step back but my eye's googled and my mouth drooled. I was truly enchanted by her, but I had to look away. My heart lied with Bianca. 

"If your heart lies with Bianca then why haven't you let her mark you yet? Is it because you're scared or is it because you have doubts in your mind?" 

She was next to me now. I smelled her, she smelled of flowers and honey and love... I fell to my knees. I felt powerless against her. I tried to keep my mind focus on Bianca. I mean I accepted  the supernatural for her. Opened my world to creatures that I never knew existed. It had to be out of love. No one would open themselves to danger if it wasn't for love.

"I know you love her Connor, at least that's what you tell yourself. But what if there's so much more for you."

She grabbed my neck and she kissed me. Her lips were soft like marshmallows and her tongue tasted like rich, sweet, cherry liquor. 

"I'm going to make you mine Connor then I'm going to make you beg for me... truth is you're not my type, nor are you my mate but... I do have plans for you, big plans and in order to achieve them, I need your unwavering devotion."

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't think. I was just stuck. Stuck in-between lust and fear. She smirked. Her blue eyes as beautiful as the night peered into my soul. She knew what she was doing. I couldn't let her get away with it. I loved Bianca too much. She threw me onto the bed and sat on top of me. I closed my eyes. I was not going to give into her. 

She laughed,"look at you. Squirming like a scared little mouse. You know what I do to mice? I eat them."

With that she sank her teeth into me and I felt two sharp fangs penetrate the depth of my flesh. She was a vampire. I was terrified. I screamed out in pain but also fear.My eyes went dark.

"It's okay sweet Connor. This time tomorrow, you won't remember anything."

Hayley"s POV

"Are you sure Bianca is missing?" I asked Raysa worriedly.

"Yeah." She said.

I sighed. "This fabric is. really popular in Royal Vampire families... my guess is that she was taken by a vampire."

"What business would they have with Bianca? We never attacked them. Heck as far as they're concerned we don't know they're here."

I nodded."Vampires are intelligent creatures... whatever reason they have is a good one... my guess is they left this piece of fabric here for us to see."

"Can you use magic on it?" Raysa asked me "to see who it belongs too?"

"Sort of. I can cast a spell tonight under the moon and I can get the name of the person it belongs to."


Raysa didn't look too impressed.

"It's better than nothing." I told her.

She sighed. 

just a quick update. hope you enjoyed it!

My Alpha Bride. Sequel to My Nerdy MateWhere stories live. Discover now