Part Nine♡

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You wake up to sunlight shining in your face from the window. You sit up rubbing your face as you see that your not in your own bed.

You look beside you to see Vance still fully asleep.

He looked angelic

You snap out of your gaze and realize you're naked.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You yell while scrambling to find your clothes.

Somehow Vance didn't wake up from your screaming.

You find your clothes and put them back on as quickly as possible.

You leave with out waking up Vance and walk back to your house. "What happened last night, why do I feel so weird, why does my head hurt so bad.." you say to yourself while going in the door.


"Shit" you say to yourself

"I-i was at bec-", you start but get cut off.

"Don't you try to lie to me young lady" your grandma says sternly. "Becca was outside when your grandpa and I got home last night" she snaps.

You stay silent.

"I'm not going to ask you again y/n"

"I was just at my friends house we fell asleep watching a movie" you say trying to be as convincing as possible.
"Which friend hmm?" You grandma says

"Katie" you reply, perfect childhood friend believable. Well you don't hang out with her much anymore  but your grandma doesn't know that

"Oh really? Because I called Katie's house and she said she saw you leave a park with some boy last night" " why is that?"


"Y/n please don't lie to me, I just want to know that you were safe last night." You grandma says coming to you and giving you a tight hug.
"I was just at my friends Vance's house" you say hugging her back.

She pulls back "that bad kid who gets arrested!? Y/n I dont-"

"Grandma please listen to me, he's not like what everyone says he is. He's a nice person." You say cutting her off

"Ok then.." you grandma says  while walking off to go male a coffee.

"How'd the pies turn out?
She says while boiling some water.

"Pretty good", you say smiling at her. Trying to ignore the pain in your head and odd feeling in your stomache.

"I'm gonna go have a shower" you say to her while heading for stairs.
You enter your room with tears jerking at your eyes and grab some new clothes and your brush.

And a razor blade...

You enter the bathroom and lock the door, a single tear falls from your eyes as you start to slowly remeber what happened the night before.

You slowly start to undress yourself while the feeling of disgust flows over your whole body. You look in the mirror and see the hickeys....
You graze your fingers over the marks on your body.
You turn and start running the water for your shower.
You step into the shower and shiver at the touch of the water. You start scrubbing your body as hard as you could as tears come down  your face and you watch your skin turn red from irritation and pressure.

You wash your hair as you think about how you believe you prostituded yourself yourself last night how you let yourself be touched like you did the year before. You reach for the blade that was sitting just outside the shower. Bringing it to your inner thighs and hips. Wincing at the stinging from the hot water pounding down on the fresh gashes you've put on yourself. You drop the blade as you sink to the floor of the shower and bring your knees to your chest letting out even more tears.

You muster up the strength to get out of the shower and carefully wrap your thighs and hips and get dressed into a pair of comfy shorts and a baggy shirt. You go back to your room and take some ibuprofen for you headache.

You dry and brush your hair and decide to listen to some music before falling asleep for about two hours.

Short chapter sorry, not feeling the best. I will do my best to get a full chapter or two tomorrow.
Love you.

Love you

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