It ends where it begins

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I went to bed my head filled with nothing but happy thoughts. Tomorrow would be our 6 year anniversary. It took me so long to decide on a present.
I can't believe that We've been together for 6 years and I've known him for 7, yet I don't even know him well enough to get him an extravagant gift. I don't know what he likes, or what he'd want as a gift. But something I knew, was that he loved playing on his PlayStation setup. So I bought him a gift card. I also bought him a teddy bear and some chocolate.


As I stood outside his apartment complex, I couldn't think straight, pure bliss. I love anniversaries. I love giving gifts, the excitement on their faces as they opened them filled me up with warmth that could last me years. I started walking up the stairs. Something bubbled in my stomach. I was nervous, really nervous. This was my first time going over to his apartment, what if he expected something more? I'd like to wait for marriage, but if it's for him, I'm not sure I'd be able to say no, let him down. I pushed those thoughts away.
My hand hit the door as I waited for him to answer. But nothing. I was 20 minutes early but I did let him know I'd probably be here earlier. I knocked again. Nothing.

"Hey, you wanna know something cool?" Luke sunk his head in the crook of my neck, it sent a shiver down my spine, but the good kind of shiver. "Luke, you reek alcohol" a part of me wanted him to move away, my clothes would start smelling too, but the other part wanted him to come closer, sink into my skin, become a part of me, so I could carry his warmth with me forever. "You see that rug?" His mouth was no less than an inch away from my ear, I could feel his every breath. "I hide my spare key between the layers of fabric and material"

A smile was forming on my face, the day Luke called me drunk, I was so stressed out. But thinking back on it made me feel connected to something deeper.
I got the spare key and opened the door, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. But I Instantly regretted my decision.
A trail of clothes, not only his, but another feminine layer of cloth was here and there. I followed the trail, walking slowly, as to make sure no one would hear me, and the closer I got to his bedroom, the closer those distant sounds were, screams of pleasure, moans, groans, every sexual sound you could ever imagine. I knew what was happening, it was obvious, but I didn't wanna admit it, I couldn't leave knowing that there was this small chance it might be a misunderstanding, because if I didn't get clear evidence, I knew I'd forgive him. And as I stood outside of his bedroom, all I could think of was how opening this door would shatter these last 6 years of my life, all the late night calls, all the trips, all the promises, everything. I couldn't find it in myself to be gentle, I opened the door so quickly I scared myself. And I really wasn't ready for what I saw. Luke inside of a random girl. The teddy fell out of my hand with a thud. The horrible, horrible sounds were gone now. A silence so thick you could cut it with a knife. I stood there staring into his eyes for what felt like forever.
Those horribly beautiful eyes that I had learned to love so deeply.
"Hey brie let me ex-"

"What the hell luke."

He didn't try to pull the "it's not what you think it is" because he knew there was no way to make this seem like a misunderstanding.
Luke abruptly stood up, the girl just took the bed covers and tried to hide her body to the best of her abilities. The stank of sex and sweat filled my nose and made me nauseous.
I could do nothing but stare at him.

"Brie I had to-!"

"Please do tell me, how did you get forced into that position?"
My voice was cold and distant, I wanted to be emotional, I wanted to yell, run around, smash whatever he owned that he held dear so he could feel the heartbreak I was going through, but the worst part was that he could easily replace anything I broke.

"You didn't wanna have sex, and-!"

"You know masturbation is a thing?"

"I cannot believe you! Don't turn this on me, you're the one who never wanted to do anything!, did you expect me to stand by you for over 6 years without getting anything in return?"

"Because I was waiting for marriage!"

"Well I'm not ready for that kind of commitment."
He looked me dead in the eye, those eyes, I thought I knew so well. They looked so uncaring.

"Not ready? Did these last few years mean anything to you? Anything at all?"

"To be honest with you I didn't expect it to last, but it was just going so well I decided to stay to see how it would go and suddenly there was no way out anymore"
I was just a fling. The cruel bastard played me for 6 years.

"Since when."
I whispered
"I started clubbing 2 years ago, naturally whenever I'd go there, this and that just happened"
Clubbing. I took him home from the club when he was drunk on multiple occasions. It was like a cold slap to the face.

"I hate you, so, so much.."
My voice broke, and with it broke my restrain. I picked up whatever I could find and threw it right at him. It didn't seem to faze him, I wonder how many girls he did this to, both during and before me. Suddenly a really cold metal object came in contact with my hand, I looked at what I had picked up, it was a sphere. Reminded me of balls. That damn organ that did all of this. Without thinking I aimed at his dick and threw it, the sphere was much larger than his dick so naturally I didn't miss. His knees went weak and he groaned out in pain. I guess no kids for him.
"Happy anniversary" I gave him the most passive aggressive smile I could force out.
And with that I left the apartment. The smell of sex was still lingering while the cold air sobered me up.

Deep down, I think I always knew that something was off but I didn't wanna admit that I had wasted these past few years running after a heartless bastard who didn't even care the smallest bit for me
-Tbh this writing experiment went better than I thought it would. 🤭  . I think i might write more one shots in the future.

Happy Anniversary!-one shotWhere stories live. Discover now