presenting your work

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The way your book shows up on another person's screen is very important, and wattpad, to be honest, is often very misleading with the quality of their books. I don't use wattpad for reading almost at all due to how hard it is to find what you're looking for. (Shoutout to ao3, love u).

Anyway, in the interest of heightening wattpad's book quality, here's how to make a book on wattpad actually readable:

Having a nice cover with either the main characters and/or the title immediately makes the audience notice you put care into your work. Frankly I hate making covers, I just use Inshot and follow the same format, but they all look clean, uniform, and clear. 

Categorize your work as fanfiction and tag appropriately. I usually tag mine with all the members, groups, ships and stuff like #sapphic, #lesbian, #lgbt and the like. You're reading my work so I know that's also your audience. 

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUT A BLURB. I don't want to read a book without a description. It only needs to be like three sentences long, you could even just put a scene there instead of a summary. Put something there so I'm not guessing what i'm gonna read. 

You should also make it clear the level of violence / maturity in your books. If your books have any themes of SA or gore you better fucking tag it because you don't want to be the asshole that doesn't. 

Post your book on ao3 too honestly, that's where the good work is. Just teach yourself how to use ao3 idc if it's hard it's worth it. 

If you want your work to reach more people, here are some ways to do it / also grow your account:

- twitter for your writing account, announce when you post (i haven't done it during my break but i know people who and it definitely helps)

-tagging appropriately gets your desired audience looking at your work, and then you'll get interested readers looking at your work 

-follow people back! make friends and support each other it's very fun and nice, love you all my mutuals 

-If you see someone reading your book or they add it to their reading list, say thank you on their message board. It's a nice thing to do and other people will see it, and they'll be interested. I went through a phase of doing that and my following grew immensely.

-make presents when you reach milestones! it's motivating for you and (i think) other people like it, there are no downsides!

-you also just have to be patient, keep working on writing even if you don't think anyone is reading it. If you make a new story and want people to read it, message me and I'll post about it on my message board! (as long as it's not disturbing or not related to my type of stories). I'd love to see what everyone makes!

Writing Guide // yventualip Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ