scene by scene

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I never like to go into stuff without a plan. The way I've written my stories in the past is worrying less about planning by chapter and planning by scene. You can always sort chapters out later. What is the goal at the end of the story? Are your characters together? Have they overcome some obstacle or experienced something that pushed them together? Now think of the steps to achieve that. 

Jinsoul and Jungeun confess they like each other and become girlfriends = goal

Jinsoul and Jungeun are two friends spending the weekend at a cabin together with their other friends = starting point

Now I think of the important points I need to hit in each scene to write down. What I write down might not make sense, but I understand it, and it's all good as you understand yours. This way you don't have to keep it in your head. This is also the point where I usually decide what POV I want the story to be from. I prefer it to not switch during individual scenes and I usually keep to one narrator, but it's up to you!

Scene 1: First evening in the cabin, unpacking, Jinsoul asks her if it's uncomfortable, fall asleep, tense
Scene 2: Waking up together, puzzle scene, swimming
Scene 3: Saturday evening, movie, "cuddle for warmth?" 
Scene 4: Jungeun acts cold, drive home, confession

I usually put more detail but I don't want to spoil that story if I ever finish it :]

This is also important because you want each of your scenes to have a sense of direction. The puzzle scene, swimming, movie, they all serve the purpose of bringing a sense of tension that will come to a head at the confession scene (also to make you swoon). 

With it planned out, it's easier to not feel stuck at a certain scene. You have a goal, and you can also go and work on different parts if you're not feeling inspired because now you have your work separated into bite sized portions. I hope this helps you get started!!

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