CHAPTER 3: Unfortunate Events

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So We're Dragons? Awesome!

Kumoko stood there shocked.

"You... You... You both evolved... into T-true Dragons!?" Kumoko yelled out in pure shock.


Izuku's POV

I looked at Ashley who gave me a small nod. I then looked back at Kumoko. She was still waiting for a proper response.

"Kumoko we'll explain everything in a bit but we..." I was interrupted by Amam.

"Do you want to share information with Kumoko? (Y/N)" Amam asked, I nodded.

"Yes. Kumoko my system is about to explain why me and Ashley were chosen to be Guardians Of Reincarnation." I said, Kumoko calmed down and waited.

<Loading Information...>

<. . .>

<. . .>

<. . .>

<Loading Completed!>


<The information you are about to hear is not good.>

<This information may lead to emotional pain and depression.>

<Do you still wish to proceed?>


I looked at Ashley and Kumoko for confirmation. They nodded.

"Yes." I said

<Are you sure?>


"Yes I'm sure." I said with determination.

<Ok. But I'm warning you now that you may become angry with the information you are about to receive.>

I looked at Ashley, who looked at me with concern. Kumoko looked like she was having a hard time with waiting.

"We understand. Now please proceed with the information." I said, suddenly we were standing above a city in Japan.

Ashley and Kumoko gasped in shock and disbelief. I was just staring with wide eyes at the site before us.

It was night and the city was on fire. Everything was in chaos villain were everywhere. Citizens were trying to find places to hide. The Heroes were greatly out numbered.

You may be wondering how this happened. Well after the death of both the number 1 Hero Deku and the number 2 Hero Bambi was made public. The LoV decided to make a come back. The Heroes were unprepared when the LoV exploded the Japanese Heroes Committee's Main Branch buildings all over Japan.

This caused confusion, panic, fear, and chaos to happen all throughout Japan. The League freed the prisoners from prison all over Japan. The Heroes tried their hardest to get back Control from the LoV, but it was useless.

The scene fast forward to show even more destruction. I was looking at the state of my country. The streets were stain with blood everywhere. I clutched my hands over my mouth as I became sick. I closed my eyes at the site. When I opened them again the scene changed to a meeting room with all the world leaders except Japan speaking about the state of chaos was in.

So, We're Dragons? Awesome! (Izuku x OC x So I'm Spider So What!?)Where stories live. Discover now