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A-lan POV

I sit alone in a room with a table, some weird bracelets that have been placed around my wrist, and a door. The other aliens seem to not be here... Odd... I wonder what they are making us sit alone for.

I decide to go check up on everything. I break off the bracelets and hop off the table. I quickly break off the door panel and unwire it, making the door open. I walk out casually and find the nearest room with people in it.

"Hello there." I say to the people. They seemed to be... scared by me. I wonder why... Anyways- I ask them, "would you like me to continue sitting alone?" They seem to reply with various different answers. "Alright... Shall I rewire your door panel and put back on this ceremonial jewelry?" I also ask and I get many answers again. I just nod. "May you find harmony." I say happily.


A-spen POV

I seem to have someone stuck on my mind... Its weird. I just saw someone and now I can't stop thinking about them. A zombie bangs on the desk in front or me and startles me for a second. "Bonzo, we'll deal with the Alien Invasion later. Look, we're kind of in an impossible situation-" "I understand... To get here, we defeated a space squid, (I forget the others 😭)"

"Ok... Well not that impossible but because of you I can't go to Mountain College." The one zombie says, and I grab out my goggles. "Hm... Mountain College. Downloading..." I press a button on the side of my goggles and download information to my brain. I then take off the goggles.

(A/N: if I say stuff wrong its becuz I have only watched the movie 8 billion times in a row and then stopped and its been a few weeks since I watched it.)

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. "May I come in?" They say. Zed looks at the Window and signals them to come in. I stare at her as they enter the room... "Hello..." I greet her with a smile on my face. She smiles back at me. "They said you can come on out now, Cmon!" She then leave the room "RACE YOU!" A male voice yells from out in the hallway and she run off. The zombies take me out of the room to meet with the others again I suppose...


y/n POV

I raced Wyatt through the hallway till we reached the point where we met one of the aliens, A-li I believe their name was...

"We have created a digestible bacterial fermentation of lactose at sub-zero statuses." A-li explained when talking to Willa and Wynter. I looked at them confused for a moment. "Oh- Froyo, we got that too!" Wyatt said, somehow understanding the crazy nonsense she just said.

"Hm. Impressive!" A-li looked very impressed. The other aliens had come back from whatever they were doing, and I looked at the one alien I saw they were interrogating and they smiled at me. "If your here to invade seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight." Willa barked out of nowhere, making me jump a bit. Wynter laughed at me and I almost slapped her across the face till I saw Willa giving me weird looks so I put my hand down and let out a soft whimper.

Everyone seemed to ignore what just happened and looked at the aliens. "We do not want your one star planet." A-li replied in an angry tone. She then turned to the aliens and whispered, "They are so emotional..." I just stare at A-li with a deathglare and then that one alien that I think is cute I MEAN- Uh- They nudge A-li a little. "Yes, but in Seabrook, I am going to disengage our emotional supressers. I am excited to see what emotions feel like." A-spen said, hovering their hand over their wrist and a glowing orb appeared over it. Then it disappeared and a flicker of light came from them. 

"Hmmm... I cannot seem to define this emotion..." A-spen looked at me, confused. But she for some reason smiled at me. I just smiled back.

Missy then spoke up, "We've decided to let you stay for the cheer competition BUT not a day later." A-spen then looked over at Missy. "Thank you, Mayor. We are honored to join your cheer competition." A-spen said happily. A-li suddenly looked confused. "What is cheer?" A-li asked in a discusted yet confused tone. "Oh, i'll show you later." Addison responded. I didn't like A-li.

"Also what is competition?" A-lan looked over at Zed and Addison. "Uh- When you challenge others to prove you're the best?" Addison responded. "No, we are harmonious people we do not compete amongst eachother..." A-lan stated and then paused for a moment. "Although it is an intriging concept, is it not?" A-lan then said. Meh.

"Hi. I'm Zed. Zombie, Football Star, Generally well liked." Zed introduced himself. "Well, I am A-lan, extraterrestrial." A-lan introduced himself as well. They seem like they could be bros. "Well, the haters say I am a little extra too." Zed then held out his hand. "Ooo, competition..." A-lan said rubbing his hands togeather. "Nah, its just a handshake-" Then, Zed got nearly fried into a Zombie hamburger. Maybe not bros... I just covered my eyes because of the intense light the shock was giving off.

"Well... Did I win?" A-lan smiled, looking at everyone. "No! You did not win!" Zed yelled. I silently chuckled a bit. Willa suddenly growled at the aliens. "Welcome to Seabrook." Willa smiled. For some reason the one alien, A-spen kept looking at me with a smile. Did they... Like me or something? The four of us left and Wynter kept giving me a cheeky smile for some reason as we walked back home.

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