XIV. plans

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tristan pravong x ophelia lopez
chapter fourteen, plans.



brady h 🤙
hi ophelia

hi brady ! (:

brady h 🤙
okay so i was thinking

oh no that's never good

brady h 🤙
i hate you.

no you don't.

finish ur sentence

brady h 🤙
okay so, i was THINKING you come
down here to texas to surprise Tristan

i'm down, when?

brady h 🤙

uh i have filming friday, how's saturday?

brady h 🤙
that works

i'll buy the ticket

don't, i'll buy it

brady h 🤙
no let me buy it

either i'm buying it, or not
coming at all, you pick

brady h 🤙
okay whatever you buy it

good, i'll see you saturday (:

brady h 🤙
see you then phelia

//  irl — third person pov!

It was Wednesday when Ophelia had that conversation with Brady. It's now Friday, and she just finished filming. Ophelia had packed the night before, so that she was prepared. She had talked more to Brady about the plan.

Most of the cast had gone to Texas just to hang out. No one was leaving for a good two weeks. That gave Ophelia enough time to spend with Tristan, and the cast.

Ophelia was going to leave Friday morning at around seven am. Her flight was long. A little less than three hours. She'd arrive in Texas around nine am. Brady was going to make an excuse to leave, and go pick up Ophelia. They had it all planned out. No one knew about the surprise other than Brady. She found it sweet how he reach out to surprise everyone.

this is kind of just a filler. i don't like writing people falling "in love" before they meet, so i'm making them meet up first. then i'll slowly make them like each other 😇😇

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