Middle of the Winter

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When Miso woke up in the morning, he immediately felt something heavy on himself. He opened his eyes, and saw Roiss sleeping on his chest. Well, at least no one was in danger.

Miso gripped the others hand, and shook the other. Roiss seemed to be either pretending, or in some really deep sleep.
"Roiss? Get off of me, please. You are too heavy. I will suffocate."

Roiss didn't move at all. The other was not happy of that, so Miso just stopped breathing. He was alive, but it really could seem like he wasn't.

Few seconds passed, and then Miso felt Roiss lifting himself up, and just staying like that.

"I know that you are alive~", Roiss said.
Miso almost panicked, when he heard Roisses morning voice.

"Stop pretending now.", Roiss said in a teasing voice. Something that Miso immediately felt, was that Roiss was again laying on top of him.

"Get off of me. I will kick you."

"You wouldn't dare."

Miso waited a few seconds, and then pushed the other off the bed.

"Miso-", Roiss yelled, while falling. And while falling, he pulled the blanket off of them both.

And then Miso started to complain about that it's cold without the blanket. Roiss just left the room, and few minutes later returned to ask the older to come to the main room. He had started the fireplace.

After more than an hour of just getting ready for the day, and the house getting warmer, Roiss decided to tell something interesting that he heard in the city.

Roiss started:" So, what are your plans for tonight?"

"I'm planning on sleeping."

"Well, of course that too, but we could also go to the party that some small bar will host. From what I heard, the pay to get inside isn't really big. So I thought that maybe we could go to the city tonight?"

Miso seemed a bit surprised by that question. The last time he was at some event in the city, that was years ago.

But he agreed. Maybe it will be good to be there.

And so, they went to the party. It was hosted at a place called "The oak tree". Neither Roiss or Miso knew why it was called that, but it was nice to be outside, with the purpose of socialising.

Miso and Roiss had ordered some cheap food, and now were just sitting at a table near the drinks stand. The party contained mostly men. There were some women, but they were either someone who worked there, or somebody who tagged along their partner.

While eating, Roiss noticed some men looking at him and Miso. When the men saw that Roiss had caught then looking, they immediately looked away and whispered something.

Soon, when both of them hed finished their food, Miso quietly told Roiss, that he wanted to leave. Roiss told the other, that he will come with him really soon.

As Miso walking to the exit, the same men who were watching them, blocked the way outside.

"So, what happened to your hand? I've noticed that it's missing." A light haired man said.

"Excuse me, but it's non of your business.", Miso was quite worried. He didn't want them to notice his panicking, and he didn't see Roiss anywhere near him.

"Didn't that evil regent's son had a chopped off arm?", the same man said. The others laughed. Miso was really starting to feel unsafe.

"Well, his mother had really brought this kingdom to being hell on earth. She never got tortured, but how about we make this boy regret ever existing?", Some other tall man said.

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