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Roiss had taken one bag with most necessary things. Of course, some water, food and a sweater. He had to go across the Desert of the lost towers to get anywhere more safer.

Few days later after starting to walk, he reached the desert. He could still recall how he and Hania had made their way across the Desert to save Roisses and Roa's parents - Haxena and Dartred.

As he walked in the heat of the desert, he was lost in his thoughts. The thoughts weren't about where he was going. It was about what had happened. Geno was the city where he had grown up, barely every going far, or even near the city. Geno was known as the city of blue and black. Most of the houses were in a light blue tone, but they used to have black flags hanging from them. The flags were hanged there every time someone died. And they stayed there till  they turned white. Already for more than 4 years, there were no more flags. It was a requirement after the pirate war.

When Roiss passed the towers, there were no more bandits and robbers in them. At least something has changed.

After 4 days of walking with barely any stops, he had gotten across the desert. Roiss saw the light green bushes and small trees again. It really was a relief.
Now he had to pass the Holy water valley. After many years of war, there weren't any more of the Holy water anymore, but the hope didn't disappear.

After walking many more days, he saw Baar. It was a city where his sister Hania and his mother had been at least 2 times while running away. It stood out a lot. The roange bricks and the light yellow sandstone. Roiss had almost no need to go in it. Except to get some more food.

He had ran out of food quite a while ago. He still had his sword and his bow, that he had gotten while training the children in Geno. Without the weapons, he probably wouldn't be alive. Knowing how to hunt was really useful.

He had heard stories form his mother, that Baar was a really expensive city. Good thing that he had taken all of his ernings with him. In the city, he bought some bread and almonds. It was nice to eat something different after so much time of being away from a more populated place.

There was no reason to stay in Baar for long. Roiss left  after getting the food. Of course, he got some more water from the fountains. The water there wasn't that dirty.

And so, he was walking more further into the center of the kingdom. It seemed like everything was returning beck to normal. At least it looked better then it did the last time he was there.

With some of the money that he had left, Roiss stayed in a small inn for the night. He could see that it was rebuilt. After what seemed to be a fire. The building might have burnt down in the past.

Little did he know, that it was the same building where his mother and sister were visiting more than 17 years ago. There was a bandit attack, but Hania used her powers to make rats attack them. And someone must have had accidentally kicked a pece of coal out of a fireplace. That's how the inn went down in flames, while Haxena ran away with Hania and the horse that she owned.

Roiss had a small room in the attic. After more than a week, he was finally sleeping under a roof again. It felt nice. Of course, he locked the door, since there still could be some burglars, and he could not afford being robbed.

When he got ready to go to sleep, and layed down in his bed, he could hear people talking downstairs. It was inaudible, but it somehow made him feel safe. Then the people laughed and continued to talk. And few minutes later, someone started to play some music instrument. He listened to it's sound, and suddenly a realisation hit him. It was the sound of a flute. And he used to know someone who knew how to use a flute. That someone was his sister Hania.

The fun melody that someone was playing downstairs seemed so familiar. Most likely because Hania liked to play more active songs. In Geno, she had to play slow melodies for most of the time, because otherwise the spirits of the dead children would get angry and cause another storm.

He tried to fall asleep, but the music didn't help this time. He wanted to cry, but as his father had told him, real heroes don't cry. And he was a real hero. He was meant to die with his sister that day. But he didn't. He was glad that he didn't, but there was a little part of him, that wanted to be gone.

A minute passed, and he understood that it will be impossible to fall asleep like that. He wanted to get some drink downstairs.

Roiss quietly walked downstairs. Of course, someone immediately noticed.

The man who seemed to be the owner, exclaimed:" I see that you're not asleep yet."

"You saw that correctly. I can't fall asleep, even tho I've walked many days.", Roiss explained.

"Would you like something to drink, traveller?", the owner asked.

Roiss though about what he shouldanswer. He had almostno thoughts:" Something that could calm me down, please."

The owner walked away to the kitchen. Other people, who were in the room, just continued to talk. The person who was playing on the flute continued to play. A minute passed, and the owner returned with a mug.

"Here's a drink that has helped me to calm down.", the owner said.

Roiss thanked him and took the drink. When he tasted it, it seemed to be okay. It was warm and bitter. Not exactly what he had thought as "calming drink", but it was still enjoyable. After finishing the mug of the interesting drink, he did start to feel more tried. He told the owner, that he'll play the next morning.

Then he went to his room, locked the door and quickly fell asleep. The flute sounds were still playing downstairs. This time he did fell asleep while listening to them. It was nice to feel safe, and without having to worry about surviving for at least a hour.

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