October 28, 1978

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My prayer was answered. Though, not by an angel. A demon helped me. Father threw me down into the basement. I broke my arm in the fall. I cried but was soon lifted up. I came face to face with the demon. I felt safe in his arms. He looked me over and upon noticing my arm being broken his blue eyes turn red and he growled. His horns began to glow and he healed my arm. He stayed there with me until Father let me out of the basement.


Every time Father throws me down into the basement, that demon is there to heal me and take care of me. When Father isn't home, I go into the basement and talk with the demon. I learned a lot about him. The people of the town call him He Who Walks Behind The Rows. Apparently, they see him as an evil entity that kills anyone who enters the field at night. His actual name is Gabriel Sanchez. He is a demon prince. He said I looked like someone he knew a long time ago. I asked him what he meant but he wouldn't tell me.

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