June 29, 1978

42 1 0

My dad and I moved to Gatlin a few months ago. I am only 9 years old. Going from California to such a small town in Nebraska is such a big change for me. I miss my mom and my twin sister Percy. I don't understand why we had to leave them, couldn't they have come with us? The doctor says I should write in this journal every chance I get. Apparently, it should help me adapt to the town easier by writing my thoughts down. I don't see how that will work


Father let me go outside today. I accidentally bumped into one of the older kids. Malachi was his name. He had his friends with him. I should have been paying attention instead of having my head stuck in the history book of Gatlin. I had fallen but he helped me back up. He was tall. He was a ginger, I always thought their hair would be a bit lighter than that and maybe just a little less orange. Well, the more you know.

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