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"To think that wyverns would come attacking from the sky. Damn...! We figured it out too late-!"

Alberu was pacing around in his room. He knew it was unbecoming of his status as the Crown Prince of the Roan Kingdom, but it was too late for that now. Something as bizarre as wyverns haven't even come across his mind. How could the enemy troop get their hands on such a weapon? Alberu clearly underestimated the Paerun Kingdom.

It was risky. Way too risky. Although Choi Han and his group could get to the Henituse territory with teleportation thanks to Alberu's group of talented mages, it would have taken way too much time by then. Casualties would be big, and the harm done would be irreversible. 

Alberu truly did not expect for the Paerun to come attacking the Henituse Territory.  A territory so small, it hadn't even come to Alberu's mind. But at the same time, Alberu should've expected this.

Paerun is attacking our weakness.

They were attacking at a weak spot. It should've been obvious.

"Damn it-!"

Alberu was too frustrated.  He flung the paperworks accumulated on his coffee table in a fit of rage. It was all reports concerning the upcoming battle in Henituse Territory. But Alberu was too angry to care about that for now. Rosalyn simply looked on at Alberu's fits with understanding and worry. Sitting next to her was Choi Han, who had his hands clenched in fists, also trying to quell his own anger towards the enemy. Differently, Beacrox looked calm, unlike the others from Choi Han's party.

True to his age, he handled this newfound information with unsurprising maturity. Despite having worked his younger years in the Henituse County, he couldn't find himself caring more for them than for his party. He chose to follow Choi Han and left the territory.  It wasn't time to dwell in guilt over what could've been.

In a different world he might've stayed in Henituse territory, protecting said territory from enemy's invasion. But now it wasn't like that. He's part of Choi Han's party, though begrudgingly, he admit. Beacrox knew he cared less for them than Choi Han, being the good guy that bastard is.

He must've hate the trash of Henituse for insulting his family, but Beacrox knew Choi Han knows better than to hate a brat who's barely 18, also a well-known trash in the area at the time. Choi Han would've let him go after all these years of holding a grudge.

All that's left is the bitter aftertaste. Choi Han has no intention of getting the trash back for what he said. The pummelling he got as soon as his tongue let loose was more than enough. Choi Han must feel indebted to Henituse family, instead. Regardless of all the trash-talking from the trash, Deruth Henituse helped Choi Han buried his family. That was why, Beacrox knew that Choi Han was deep down, worrying about that territory.

He would do anything to repay the debt of the ones who helped him. One trash wouldn't prevent him from feeling grateful. Beacrox scoffed at his own thoughts. The bastard was way too kind-hearted for his own good. The way Choi Han acts and think never fails to make Beacrox's skin crawl. It's completely different from how Beacrox would act if he were to be in Choi Han's shoes.

Even if Deruth Henituse had given him temporary shelter to hide him and his father from Arm, he was also not that close to his 'benefactor' all these years. All he knew was that he had to spend most of his time consoling and compromising with the biggest spoiled brat in the world. It wasn't fun, much to his dismay. He and his father kept his distance with their benefactor. A relationship of master and servant. It didn't go any further than that.

Though his father might've gone slightly sentimental due to old age. Even if his father tries to hide it, Beacrox could sometimes see the hidden warmth within his eyes whenever he conversed with the people of Henituse County. Even the trash of Henituse couldn't prevent his father from feeling warm.Beacrox was not like that. He silently kept his thoughts to himself.

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