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Chapter 15


Harry came to in a bright room, blinking as he tried to make sense of the object in front of him. He was handed his glasses, and he gratefully put them on to find that it was none other than Albus Dumbeldore who had passed them to him. 


"Good afternoon, Harry," Dumbledore greeted pleasantly. 

Harry just stared at him, trying to make sense of everything. Then it hit him. "Sir! The Stone! It was Quirrell! He's got the Stone! Sir, quick—"

"Calm yourself, dear boy, everything is alright. Quirrel does not have the stone. Thanks to you, it never made it into his possession. Now, please relax, or Madam Pomfrey will have me thrown out." 

Harry swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He looked around and finally realized where he was. Lying in a bed with white linen sheets, surrounded on either side by similar beds, with the blinding light from the windows accentuating it all. He must be in the hospital wing. 

Next to him, the bedside table was piled high with all manner of sweets, cards, and even one or two stuffed bears. 

"Tokens from your friends and admirers," Dumbledore explained. "Seeing as what happened between you and Professor Quirrel was meant to be a secret, naturally, the whole school knows. Mr. Fred and George Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat, which was likely meant to amuse you. Due to hygiene reasons, you understand, it was confiscated by Madam Pomfrey."

Harry nodded smirking at the twins' antics, then turned to Dumbledore as a thought crossed his mind. So many people couldn't have possibly come by to deliver gifts in less than a day. 

"Professor... how long have I been out?"

"Three days."

"Three days?!" Harry made a frantic motion to get out of bed.

Dumbledore calmly raised a hand, blocking his exit. "Harry my boy, the only thing you'll accomplish by leaving the hospital wing will be having Madam Pomfrey track you down again."

Disgruntled, Harry sighed and sunk back into his pillows, before sitting back up again, startled. "Ron and Hermione! Are they alright?!"

"Yes Harry, you'll be pleased to know that Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger are both in good health."

Relieved, Harry relaxed once more. "So... professor, how'd I survive?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard. "Harry my dear boy, I have many theories as to how you survived an encounter with Voldemort. My best guess is that when the killing curse was cast upon your brother, a little bit rebounded to you."

"What? I'm not sure I understand."

Dumbledore looked like he was choosing his words very carefully. "I believe that you may have... the same amount of magical capability as your brother. What determined Miles as the boy who lived was Voldemort choosing him to curse."

"So... if Voldemort had chosen me?"

"Your roles would be reversed."

Harry nodded once more, processing it all. It was as though a great load had been lifted off his shoulders. He had spent a good portion of his life wondering why he wasn't good enough. Why he wasn't treated the same as someone who was almost a mirror image of him? Now he knew. Voldemort had chosen Miles, but he could have just as easily chosen Harry. And if that had been the case, Harry would be the Boy Who Lived. 

"Harry!" Ron came skidding into the door of the hospital wing. Hermione followed shortly after, though with a bit more dignity than Ron. It was clear that the two of them had run from Gryffindor tower, however, as they were both panting. 

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