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Chapter 8


Miles had been expecting it. If Harry had been given such a response from the students of Hogwarts, he knew as the other Potter, he'd be given similar treatment. However, they all knew about him. Even the muggle-borns, who he assumed had been told by their friends.

Fortunately, it was nothing he hadn't encountered before. Attempting to remain dignified, he walked up to the stool to be sorted. 

"It's Miles Potter!"

"The Boy Who Lived!" 

A Ravenclaw girl tried grabbing his robes as he walked by, and as he pulled away, startled, she batted her eyes at him. He nodded politely at her, unsettled, and at last safely sat down on the stool. The hat was placed over his head, blocking the sight of the students craning their necks for a better look at him.

"Another Potter eh? Let's see... plenty of courage and quite a bit of daring. A very bright mind, talent, and a nice bit of ambition as well. Where shall I put you?" The hat's voice spoke in his head, becoming one with his thoughts.

He didn't hesitate for a moment. Slytherin.

"Is that so? Are you sure? You would do very well in Slytherin, but I believe Gryffindor is more suited to nurturing your talent." 

Why's that?

"You're bravery and courage are traits that are frequently exhibited in Gryffindors. However, you do have the potential to be in Slytherin. You have plenty of determination, cleverness, and ambition. The choice, however, is yours."

I would like to be in Slytherin then, please. 

"An interesting choice. If you insist, it better be, SLYTHERIN!"

Miles heard the hat bellow out the last word, and a few seconds of silence ensued as he removed the hat from his head. Suddenly the Slytherin table burst into enthusiastic applause. The other tables followed their lead. The Gryffindor table was the second to start clapping, and Miles grinned as he saw it was Harry and Weasleys who started it. 

He made his way to the Slytherin table and sat down with his friends. As they watched the remainder of the sorting, including Ron Weasley, and of course Blaise. He couldn't help but notice that all the while, Albus Dumbledore's furious gaze never left him. 

After the sorting was over, the students enjoyed a wonderful feast, second only to Lily's cooking. Miles had to admit that the house elves that prepared it were very good at their job. They were led to the common room in the dungeons by a prefect, and after they were informed of the password, "Salazar", they made their way inside. 

Miles talked with Draco as they awaited their head of house. "My father says that Professor Snape will be giving us a speech about Slytherin values."

Miles rolled his eyes at the mention of Lucius Malfoy. "I wonder what values he'll be telling us about."

"Who knows? Who cares? We're in Slytherin!" Blaise crowed, joining the conversation.

The rest laughed, though they quickly quieted as they saw the common room door opening. Inside walked the man himself, Severus Snape, or as his dad, Sirius, and Remus would call him, "the greasy git".

"Mr. Zabini, the fact that you are in Slytherin should be enough to motivate you to care."

Blaise shrugged. "Sorry professor."

Snape faced them all with a serious expression. Miles had seen him during the feast, looking bored out of his mind. Now, however, his eyes glinted with purpose.

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