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Vegas grabbed the dinosaur which Venice pointed out and yanked that out from the hanger. Giving it to Venice who hugged that stuffed toy and jumped in joy.

"From next time... Be careful before messing with anyone..." Kinn threaten the stall owner who was still shaking from fear.

Porsche and Pete were waiting for them. Coming back Venice was jumping in happiness as he got his favorite toy. While Pheonix's eyes were still following his dad's gun, which he has hidden behind his back.

"What did you two do?" Porsche asked.

"We played instead of the kids... Right?" Kinn looked at Vegas for agreement and the latter agreed with him.

"Well... Well... I am so damn hungry... Let's go for lunch!" Pete exclaimed.

Phoenix placed his palm on his stomach which just grumbled, "Hungry..."

Porsche coo'ed at that and picked his son up in his lap. Phoenix was underweight compared to the other kids of his age.

"Aww... My baby is hungry... Ayy, Kinn... Let's go to the southern Restaurant as Pete told me... It's - Vegas knows the location, right?"

"Yeah- he will drive... Let's get into the car..." Pete grabbed his son's hand and moved towards the car.

Vegas had to drive them to the restaurant as Pete told. They ordered dishes, some were spicy - some were not. It was displayed in front of them.

Porsche was careful to feed Phoenix, "You like it?"


"Humm... It's really good... Porsche, try it..." Kinn put some pieces of the dish in front of Porsche's mouth, who took it.

Vegas wanted to act the same but his favorite and Pete's favorite was completely different.

Meanwhile, someone was envious to feed Porsche the dish he was eating too. He was low-key giving a sly glance at Kinn.

"Porsche! Uncle Porsche- try this too! It's sweet!" Venice put forward a piece towards Porsche who was kinda out off guard but then with a smile took it.

"Humm... It's really good... It's sweet and spicy mixed..." Porsche commented receiving a blush from Venice.

Vegas frowned at Venice's act, and So did Kinn. Pete was just minding his food, didn't notice.

"What's with this blushing, Venice?" Vegas asked directly. Now Pete looked at them.

"What Blush?!" Venice was caught off guard, so he pouted and dug back into the food.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell Venice?" Pete thought his son is sick as his cheeks are red slightly. Did the sun heat make him sick?

Venice just shake his, "No Pa! Vegas is seeing things!"

"Your cheeks were red! I saw that too! Is he getting a fever, Pete?" This time Kinn spoke up. Porsche just looked at them. Phoenix ate peacefully, glancing among them sometimes.

Pete placed his hand on his forehead and it was normal, "Nope... Are you ok?"

Venice nods at 5× speed, "I am ok!"

"P'Venice likes Pa that's why he red... Crush- P'Venice red when Pa touch..." Phoenix uttered out of nowhere then again dug into the pudding. Well, he just dropped a bomb. But his face was like he is just enjoying his food, nothing else.

Venice looked at Phoenix as if the younger just betrayed him. He wanted to scold the Nong but now he can't do anything as all the eyes were on him. He puffed his red cheeks with anger plus embarrassment then lowered his head.

Vegas was left his jaw dropped while Pete looked like he was stunned. Porsche left puzzled and Kinn low-key frowned.

Then Porsche suddenly laughed out and patted Venice's head, "That's so cute of you."

"What Cute!? He has a crush on you!" Kinn exclaimed loudly catching some attention from a nearby table.

"What the f- hell, Kinn! Don't shout! What's wrong?" Porsche slapped on Kinn's arm.

Kinn was still frowning but he lowered his voice a bit, "What's wrong!? He got a crush on you and you just approved it!" Kinn exclaimed as if it were a huge thing.

Vegas was now enjoying the show while Pete doesn't know what to do. He was damn confused at his son's act.

"He is a kid, Kinn! Moreover your nephew! Come on man... Don't act childish!"

Porsche gave a gentle smile at Venice who peeked at him with lowered head.

Now Venice got some strength on the spin after receiving a smile from his crush, so he sat upright and faced Kinn, "Huh! I will marry Uncle Porsche! You will just watch!" He smirked. A six-year-old kid just smirked at his childhood dreams. He sounded proud. Also looked so with his chest high.

Porsche laughed. Pete lightly slapped Venice's head from behind, "Shut your mouth! Who taught you all these!?" He felt too embarrassed at his son's words.

Vegas take sips from the drink, " You got some wild choices Venice! Grow up strong son your competitor is an old man." He had a stuffy grin on.

Kinn scoffed at that, "What the fuck!"

"Kinn! Language!"

"Fuck language! He just threatened me! This kid- wait I will put you inside a flower vase! Vegas taught you all these right?" Kinn looked at Vegas with the suspect.

Pete narrowed his eyes at Vegas whose sly smirk was placed with a nervous smile, "Pete... I didn't... Trust me..." He won't dare to make Pete angry, that would be dangerous.

"Well... We will talk about that later!" Pete commented with his eyes fixed on Vegas.

"I won't mind Venice... After all, he is a handsome young man..." Porsche was amused, he was enjoying this also seeing his boyfriend was jealous over six years old, it was awesome.

"Ayy Porsche! Don't encourage him!" Kinn exclaimed again. And Porsche chuckled at that.

Phoenix exchanged his gaze from Kinn to Porsche... To Pete to Vegas... From Venice to Porsche... But then his gaze shifted away from them... It's not like he was feeling good among them but his trauma was making him low-key afraid to lose all these too.

For the rest of the lunch, Kinn was frowning. Porsche was laughing with Venice who was newly open to his crush. Pete time to time slapped his own forehead in empressement. Vegas is eating and enjoying the show but is afraid about what is waiting for him once they get home. While Pheonix the silent one eating his food and looking at Kinn's belt, Where Kinn had put the gun after the shooting. Phoenix had a will to have that gun, that caught so shinily in his eyes.

Phoenix feels an urge to have that just like Venice has for that stuffed toy. But the difference was in showing it in emotion and the object's perspective.


Not Pheonix exposing Venice in front of everyone 💀🤚

Venice being all proud and brave on his crush 💀🤚

One more chapter to go :')

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