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Hi guys ^.^. I got the base of the plot from the story The Selection, by Kiera Kass. I loved it a lot, and I wondered what it would be like if Zelda would be in Maxon's place, and Link in America's. Thus this story :) Ps, I'm also posting this on so more people can read it.

Link sighs wearily, exhausted. He had traveled nearly 9 miles that day, and needed a rest. Hyrule City seemed much farther than 10 miles. To Link, it felt more like hundreds of miles. But he couldn't give up. The city was only a mile or so away now. But he needed to find shelter to sleep.

Traveling to Hyrule City was quite a pain, but it was worth it. Link had actually been chosen for The Selection, an event where the princess of Hyrule, Zelda, would have 50 men from the county come to her palace. They were chosen randomly, 1 man, 16 years to 20 years of age, from each town. The point of The Selection was for the princess to chose 1 man to marry who would help rule Hyrule along side her. It was quite a feat to be chosen, and Link was proud that he was singled out among so many. He could only imagine how beautiful and kind princess Zelda would be. Though he didn't expect her to chose him out of so many, he was glad to go for the experience.

He looks around the thick oak trees, and curses. It would be quite a challenge for him to find any place suitable for shelter in this dense forest. The cold night breeze was relentless, and Link wanted nothing more than to be back at his home in Ordon. But, it was too dark and cold to be traveling, and he kept going, seeking some kind cliff or rock side that could help shelter him from the breeze.

He felt very eerie, as if something was watching him in the thick of the bushes. Keeping his wits about him, Link told himself it was probably just a curious squirrel, and kept at his search for shelter.

Finally, he finds what seems to be a suitable resting place. It is a small cave cut into the side of a cliff, and the cave seemed to be quite deep. Link heads into the cave. However, the cave is nearly pitch black, and he nearly stumbles over a rock countless times. He reaches the end of the cave, sets his traveling supplies down, and lays down upon the stony floor. It was still cold, not to mention uncomfortable, but he much preferred this than the cruel weather outside.

As he finally relaxes, he realizes he is not alone.

Though very faint, Link can hear something breathing ever so slightly. Fearfully, he edges towards where he believes the noise comes from. The breathing grows louder, and he knows whatever shares this cave with him is only a few inches away. Terrified, he slowly reaches down, ready to face the creature. However, his hand meets something unexpected. Unbelievably soft, and squishy... He squeezes it, mystified. Flesh? What! He feels around a little more, and suddenly feels fabric. It was very thin, and felt like lace. Lace. What? Is that a human?

Link fishes his flashlight out of his supplies, and turns it on, shining it down. What is revealed is completely unexpected.

A girl! She lays upon the stone cave, wearing a short white skirt. She was only wearing a bra to cover her top. The bra looked expensive, made from fine pink lace and soft satin. Her breasts were full and supple, and he could not help but stare. She seemed young, 17 or 18, and judging by her bra, must be from a high end family. Her dark brown hair falls below her delicate shoulders in small waves. Her skin is porcelain, flawless, and pristine. She looks like a goddess. Link thinks.

Wait... The lace I felt.. Her bra.. The soft, squishy flesh... I was fondling a stranger! Link's face heats up, and he cannot help but feel a few feelings that he shouldn't have in some "other" areas. He was a man, after all. Yet, he couldn't help but think of how her flesh felt beneath his hand... Let's just say Link felt something "raise up" and he quickly forced the thoughts out of his head with much effort.

Link leans over and slowly prods the girl upon the arm. She stirs, mutters something in her sleep, and grabs Link from around the neck. She pulls him down onto her breast, like she would a stuffed animal. He is literally smothered in her chest. A man's dream, you could say. But under these circumstances, perhaps not.

He gasps, embarrassed. Did she think he was nothing more than a stuffed animal or something? Did she know where she was putting his face at?

He manages to break free, and quite done with this struggle, yells, "WAKE UP!"

She rouses right away. Link turns his flashlight so it shines down onto her, and casts a ghostly light upon Link. Her deep blue eyes fly open, and her eyes flicker to him in astonishment. She shoots up, and covers her chest. "Who are you, peeping tom!"

"I'm no such thing! I came in here to stop for the night, and I find you on the ground half naked."

The girl blushes, still covering her chest. 'It was very hot earlier today, so I removed my shirt. I didn't expect a peeping tom to come in this cave with me. There are no people around these parts usually. Now get out. I found this cave first."

Link stands his ground. "I won't leave. It's too cold now and this is the only shelter I could find. I won't bother you anymore, I'll just go in this corner." He slowly edges towards the corner. "Goodnight."

The girl sighs, and goes as far as she can away from Link in the cave. "Don't look, I'm changing." She snaps, rummaging into her bag for her shirt.

"Trust me, I won't!" Link says back, but secretly, he wishes he could. The girl pulls her shirt over her head, curls up in a fetal position, and attempts to fall asleep, though her mind is busy with thoughts of Link, despite her dismay.

Meanwhile, Link also cannot sleep. He could not stop thinking about this new girl. Who was she, and why was she here, in the middle of the forest, by herself? But he pushes these thoughts away. I'll be at the castle tomorrow. I shouldn't become interested in some weird rich girl. I need to be at my best for princess Zelda.

The girl turns on her side, and forces all thoughts of this new boy out of her head. I cannot be caught up with some farm boy. I am princess Zelda of Hyrule, and the day after tomorrow, The Selection will start to find my husband. I can't allow my feelings to waver or wander. This is the duty of the Princess, to find a suitable husband who can lead Hyrule, or so my father says. Can't I even follow my heart? I suppose not. Sometimes, things don't always work out the right away, but I just have to get through this.

Selection (Zelink)Where stories live. Discover now