Chapter 2

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"They've promised that dreams can come true, but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too."

- Oscar Wilde

Jackson's Pov:

The invitation from the Astraean royals had arrived two days ago. It said that they accepted our proposal and invited us to spend a few days with them, being today and tomorrow. My family and I were to leave today for Astraea.

I had packed my bags and was pondering over what it was that my life would become only a few weeks from now when a knock interrupted my peaceful day.

"Come in" I responded.

"Get up you ungrateful child! Do not embarrass us in front of the Astraeans." My darling mother spewed.

"Of course, your highness." with that she slammed my door and left.

The road to Astraea was especially long, but by god, it was way more enchanting than I had anticipated. The glistening waters reminded me of an old folklore surrounding the lake.

As we entered the kingdom my mind tripped at its sight. Buildings could be seen elegantly standing along the horizon. The setting sun cast a glow over the entire capital. It looked like something straight out of a movie. I was surprised by how green it was, considering November was nearly at its end. Dimmer grass carpeted every path where a road could not be seen and it was clear that the baby golden tanagers loved this place. It was so lively, everything. By the looks of it, people had made even the streets into their homes.

The palace was huge, not as big as Stella's, but huge. It was more urban than the one back home. I was snapped out of my reverie by my brother.


Was I? Yes, but I for sure was not letting that piece of information past my lips. "No, what is it that I have to be nervous about?"

Huge black Iron gates allowed us entrance into the heavily guarded estate. A hustle and bustle could be seen around the area. As our cars came to a stop, we were met with the sight of King Paul, of Astraea.

He towered over me, the shades of grey much more visible in his appearance, though they made him look all the more wiser. The warmth his smile emitted surely was contradictory to his otherwise soldier-like appearance.

"Good evening, Your Highnesses," he said walking over.

"Good evening, Your Majesty" I replied earning a firm handshake from him. "It's truly an honor having you join us. I do hope you enjoy your stay," His words directed at my father. "Maxon, why don't we head inside where we can meet my wife and I'll have you shown your rooms so you can rest before the ball tonight?"

"As you see fit, my friend." responded my father.

We walked into the great hall where the queen stood waiting for us, her golden brown hair neatly put up in a bun standing easily at a good 5'8. She held herself in a very poised manner, a welcoming grin plastered on her face.

"Welcome everyone, it is an honor for me to be your host" She stepped towards us taking her place beside Paul.

"This is my wife Queen Alexis" Paul introduced. We all bowed while my father shook her hand. "Lex, why don't you show Her Highness to her room while I escort Maxon and the princes," King Paul suggested.

"Right this way," she led my mother out of the great hall, disappearing within the walls of the castle.

The room was huge. It had black and grey walls and a balcony entrance with a patio. The carpet was a soft grey color with a massive bed placed in the center. It was gorgeous, to say the least. I immediately jumped on the bed and was out like a light before I could count to ten. Well maybe that was a tad bit of exaggeration on my part but seriously, who cares?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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