Chapter 1

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     We went too far in thinking and forgot that destinies are written.

                                                ~ Mahmood Darwish

Renai's Pov :

Let's just say someone barging into your room screaming isn't the best way to wake up. "Good morning to you too, mother." She rolled her eyes at me "Stop being such a lazy ass, get up it's a very important day and you're already late."

 Important, huh? Let us just say the last time she said that, it didn't go quite as planned.

"For heaven's sake woman it's 6 a.m. What could be so important? I'm tryna sleep."

 "I don't know," she said yanking the comforter off of me. 


"Your father said so, apparently he's called an emergency meeting. You better hurry." As she left the room I got out of bed and unwillingly made my bed, brushed my teeth, did my hair, you know the drill.

As I walked down the corridors toward the counsel room my stomach started turning. You that feeling you get right before your brother throws a bucket of cold water all over you, yeah that one. Something about his meeting was off. "Ah Renai, finally dear I was waiting on you," my father said as I walked in on the council. 

Now personally speaking the council members were just a bunch of lunatics except Mia Storoner, the chief, and my uncle Nicholas Crosonov. Nick and I made finger guns at each other earning a scoff from Lady Hienna. I swear she has something personal against me and my brother.

"Apologies for being late. Shall we?" I said taking my seat but not without earning a dirty look from Lady Hienna. Umm... Okay.

"Not to worry darling we were just getting started." my father smiled.

"Anyways we've gathered here today discuss a proposal I've received from a neighboring kingdom across the sea. As you all know the upcoming war is not something we look forward to and cannot deal with on our own.  The kingdom of Stella is now also facing the same threat hence the proposition of.... an alliance"

"An alliance? What kind of alliance?" Arnie blurted.

"He's getting there bimbo. Hold your horses." I poked my tongue out at my brother earning a glare from my Mom who sat beside my dad. I swear to god this woman can be terrifying.

 "The King of Stella, Maxon King, has offered a proposal to unite the two kingdoms. An exchange of unions. A wedding if you will. Asking for the hand of our beloved crown princess Renai for his son Jackson King." He said gesturing towards me.

"Yeah right." I muttered sniggering. But one pitiful look from my dad and I realized he wasn't messing around. This shit was serious.

What the hell?!

"What?! And you agreed?!" what was wrong with him?! "I'm not marrying someone I don't even know!" I said fuming with anger "Now your Highness don't be all selfish you're doing this for the country" Lady Hienna said with her pipsqueak voice.

Seriously this woman was getting on my nerves now "Lady Hienna", I rested my hand on the table. "Silence yourself or I will."

"Alright, everyone, the meeting has been dismissed. Everyone but the General and my kids, please excuse yourselves."

"Renai, honey, we haven't a choice." My father pleaded just as the room was cleared. "Morrix is too powerful for Astraea to deal with on its own. It will crumble." Nick added.

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