The Tricky Wererat

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In tragic silence, the bloody tear lands Kadlin's thigh. Grania's eyes pop open and she takes in a very deep breath. Kadlin's face turns to one of utter shock and happy confusion. Grania coughs up blood, but differently than before, more like she is clearing out her lungs. As Grania starts to breath rapidly, Kadlin starts to tremble in disbelief. Almost like it's a reflex, Grania wraps one arm around Squeak's body and the second one grabs the back of his head as she pulls Squeaks into her as if her body is begging him not to stop. Grania's breathing stabilizes and Kadlin's mouth moves like she trying to say something, but nothing is coming out. Grania pulls him in closer, holds him as tight as she can, takes a long, deep breath and lets out a sigh that mixes relief with pleasure. Taking that as his cue, Squeaks takes his hand off of her and releases his bite. With reluctance, she lets go of him, he carefully climbs off her and, at the same times, they all three look at Grania's wound. The delighted shock from both Grania and Kadlin fills the room as the wound finishes closing up so perfectly there isn't even a scar. After a moment of disbelief, and in a voice filled with wonderment, Grania looks at Squeaks and can only manage a single bewildered word. "How?" 

Ashamed, and covered in her blood, he turns his head away and lowers it. "Well well, I was thinking of how I could save you you. Then then I thought that a feral wererat, even in human form, could survive that wound wound." With a very small voice that's thick with guilt, he says "So so, I gave you Lycanthropy Lycanthropy." 

Kadlin slides through the pool of blood over to Grania and hugs her tight. Tears run down her face as she squeezes her tighter. "I-I can't believe ya are alright! Never, ever scare me like that again!" Grania chuckles as Kadlin finally lets go of her and takes a seat. They look at each other with huge smiles as the hold each other's bloody hands. Still with a big smile on her face, Kadlin turns her joyfully teary eyes to Squeaks. "Squeaks, thank ya! Thank ya! An thank ya a million times more!" 

"No no need to thank me me." He smiles at Grania who smiles back. "I I couldn't let her die die. At at least, not without trying everything I could could." 

As Grania and Squeaks smile at each other, Kadlin's thinks about what just happened, then looks up to Squeaks. "I'm so happy I brought ya with me. Ya have some magic skills I didn't even know about, like makin Lycanthropy take effect fast!" 

He clears his throat and starts an explanation, knowing this will give his friends a well needed moment of rest. "Well well, how fast the trait is passed on depends on a lot of stuff stuff. The the type of Lycanthrope and how the trait enters you makes a big difference difference. For for example, a shallow bite from a feral weretiger can take weeks to give you the trait, but a jugular bite will give you the trait in a few days days. Wererats wererats have the most potent trait of all Lycanthropes and a deep bite from a natural wererat can give someone the trait in less than a minute minute. My my blood is so potent, a few drops directly into the blood stream can give you the trait in a few heartbeats heartbeats. That that is why I cut my hand on Kadlin's axe because I can't heal fast from wounds made by weapons of the Gods Gods." He looks at both of them and smiles seeing how happy they are and gives Grania a bittersweet smile. In an almost shameful tone, he says "Sorry sorry I was a bit rough with both of you, but I didn't think I had time to explain explain." 

They both look at him with understanding smiles. "Ya don't need ta be sorry for anyhin honey!" exclaims Kadlin. She lets go of Grania's hand, carefully to her feet, walks over to Squeaks and gives him a massive hug as she starts to tear up in joy. Though he appreciates it, Squeaks is very uncomfortable with the hug because his head falls directly into her cleavage. After a long hug, Kadlin lets go and takes a step back. "Ya tha best Squeaks! I owe ya food for tha rest of ya life for what ya did." 

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