The Autumn

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Chapter Six: The Autumn

The day after Noah virtually included Luke into their sexual relationship, the boys lay in bed, anxious and embarrassed.

"Why did I do that??" Noah kept groaning. "Oh my god, I'm such a slut. Fuck. He's got a fucking boyfriend. Jesus, Jamie, why did you let me do that?"

Jamie pulled Noah until his head was resting on the blonde's chest. "Well, pretty much for the same reason you did. Because ...he's hot. And we like him. And we want him to break up with Liam and be with us. We were just giving him a taste of what he could have, if he chose us."

"He didn't say he was breaking up with Liam though. I mean he could have, right? He could have texted us right after or even this morning, saying he was breaking up with him, so he could be with us. But he didn't. Maybe he still will..? I mean, it's only ten in the morning. Maybe he's still asleep?"


But after they spent the day with Levi and Shannon, going for a hike nearby, Noah's grandfather and Shannon having zero difficulty keeping up with the younger boys, still no text.

They sat in their truck, debating. Getting ready to go home. Kelly was making lasagna for dinner. Which was killer. They wouldn't miss it for the world.

"Should we ask our parents for advice?" Jamie nibbled on his thumb, bringing his feet up onto the dashboard of the truck.

"No, you know they don't approve."

"Okay, well, I have another person. Who generally gives stellar advice."


Dane's face popped up in Jamie's screen, red and a little sweaty.

"Jamie!! I was wondering if you'd dropped off the edge of the world! You do realize I live barely three hours away from you, right? And there is this thing, called the internet, that connects people..."

Jeff's head popped up above Dane's. He was clearly laying on the piano player's back.

"Oh my god, it's him again... Go away blondie, we are busy." The athlete leered into the camera, and bit the back of Dane's neck, but his boyfriend just reached behind and shoved him away.

"We can have sex anytime, dumbass. I haven't talked to Jamie for practically a month. Go away."

Jeff refused to leave, but thankfully stopped whatever he'd been doing, and just stared into the screen. Dane ignored him.

"Ummm, we were wondering," Noah waved in the background. "If we could talk to you about ....ummmm...Luke."

"Did you guys find him? I thought he got a boyfriend and stopped talking to you?" Dane was never a fan of the boy, as he'd once (well likely more than once) engaged in sexual activities with almost all the boys in his friend group, including Jeff.

"We found him, or he kind of found us, or...I guess... maybe it was just fate," Jamie said, Noah scooting closer to become a part of this conversation. "And we met his boyfriend."

"Is he nice?"

"Is he hot?"

Dane and Jeff spoke simultaneously.

"We don't really know him, but no, I would say he's not particularly nice. But yes, he's very very good looking."

"And..." Dane asked.

"And," Noah decided to cut the shit. "We want him to break up with this bitch and be with us instead."

Jeff whistled, while Dane shook his head in dismay.

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