The Enemy

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Chapter Five: The Enemy

Jamie and Noah sat in the back of the auditorium.

"Don't you think we're being kind...stalkery?" Jamie whispered. "Is this really cool?"

"Yes," Noah said immediately. "This isn't just for us, this is for Luke. If Liam's a jerk, like we think, we owe it to Luke to let him know."

"Luke didn't seem to think he was a jerk yesterday. He just made Liam kind of sound like a....well...a..."

"Easy bitch? Super slut? Fucking pussy ass boyfriend stealing dickwad?"

Jamie smothered his laughter. "Jeez, tell me how you really feel, Noah. I hope you were this jealous over me."

Noah nodded seriously, leaning back and putting his feet up on the seat in front of him. "Jamie, you have no idea. When we stopped talking freshman year, all you did was hang out with Dane. I literally drew picture after picture of him dismembered, decapitated and demolished."

"You are a psycho and I didn't even know it," Jamie nodded, interested. "Huh, I've known you my whole life, practically, and I never knew. Well, I love you no matter what. Unconditionally. Poor Dane. He didn't deserve that hate. He's so sweet."

"You're dumb," Noah flicked his forehead. "Dane had it bad for you. He totally eye licked you every single time you guys were together."

"Really? Dane? I think you're crazy. Dane wasn't into me. Wow. Really? Boy if I'd known that..." He bit his lip, shaking his head.

"You think he's attractive?" Noah asked, curious and distracted by the thread of their conversation.

"Well, I mean, not ... really. He's not really my type, but he's nice. And sweet. And I bet he'd be a really considerate boyfriend. I might have dated him, if he'd asked."

"Well, good thing Jeff came along when he did." Noah smiled, looking back at the stage.

Jamie shrugged again, and linked his fingers with his husband. Both of them knew, fully knew, they were just gossiping. Nobody would make them happy, except each other.

And maybe Luke.

Jamie brought Noah's palm to his lips and nibbled on his wrist. Then licked it. Noah leaning over and kissed Jamie's temple.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Moment over, for the moment, they turned back to the stage. Scrutinizing the group of kids dancing. They were very impressive. Like everything at this school.

"If someone told me these were adults and we paid thirty bucks a ticket, I wouldn't blink," Jamie said. "Liam's a really good dancer."

Luke's boyfriend moved gracefully across the stage, showing strength, flexibility and serious style.

Again, Noah felt, as he had long ago when comparing himself with Dane, like a complete hick. Like some lame jock douche, who had absolutely nothing to interest someone like Luke. Luke liked guys like Liam, beautiful boys, pretty boys. His own husband was like that. Soft and sweet looking, if not as overtly sensual as Liam carried himself. Someone who could carry off expensive clothes and not look like it was Halloween.

"Can we go?" he said, mumbling to Jamie, already standing up and moving towards the exit.

Outside he took a breath of fresh air. The minute Jamie stood beside him, he leaned against his husband.

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