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This is my first book that I've wrote in a longgg time so... here we go!

Luci parked in the student parking lot and started to walk into the school.

"Hey Luci wait up!"

Luci doesn't need to know who that is, Robin Buckley. Her best friend since sophomore year.
Luci waves at Steve's car and Steve waves back.

"Excited to see Vicki?" Luci said walking to her.

"Don't say that! She could be around!" Robin says, looking around.

"I mean who pauses at the same part five times?"

"You know what? Steve and I had the same conversation on the way over here."

"Smart minds think alike."

"Wait, you called Steve smart?"

"Shut up," Luci said laughing.

They walk together to the gym for a morning pep rally. Luci and Robin find a spot next to Dustin and Mike.
Luci rolls her eyes at her brother's and Mike's conversation.

"Luci, you're the tiebreaker, who's girlfriend is better?"

"I like both of your girlfriends and both are badass in their own way."

They both groan at Luci's response.

They turned their attention when someone
tapped on the microphone, Jason Carver.

The clean cut All American boy. whoppe do!

She couldn't stand him, she met him one time at her practice and was so cringe and straight up terrible. And it took that one time for her. She really doesn't like him.

He starts talking about the game and the people we lost last year.
"To lose to some crap school. And with our heads hung low in defeat? No! Let's win this game for them. And that's exactly what we did. And let's bring home the championship trophy!"

"Wow, did he do what I think he did?" Luciana asked Robin.
"Yup," Robin said popping the 'p'.
Both Robin and Luci rolls theirs eyes as the students cheered. When the morning prep rally was done, Robin and Luciana walk to their lockers, they were lucky enough to have their lockers beside each other's. They bid their goodbyes til they meet up for lunch.

"As long as your in band, or science, or parties. Or games where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"

Luci and Robin watch Eddie Munson's outburst and giggles to themselves as they try to find a spot in the cafeteria.

"It's what killing the kids!"

Eddie looks at Luci and Robin to motion them to walk and they did until Eddie speaks up.

"Hey, Henderson!" he says getting her attention.

"Yeah, Munson?" she said turning to him.

"Are you going to pick up Dustin tonight after the campaign?"
"Oh yeah, since I'm going to the game."

Since Dustin joined the Hellfire club, Eddie and Luci have gotten to know each other. Luci works at Benny's and from time to time Eddie would drop off Dustin at their house when Luci couldn't. She's very happy that her brother has more friends, even thought they're older.

"And good luck on your campaign tonight!" She said.

"Thanks Luci," Eddie said smiling at her.
She smiles back, giving him a slight wave and he does the same, Robin loops her arm with Luci's and walks away.

The Cuddle Pact with Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now