Lesson: (4)

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Emil was waiting outside of the school in the courtyard, staring up at the sky. Today he and Leon were going to go work on their school project.

He didn't hear Leon coming up behind him until he felt a weight on his back causing him to stumble as Leon pounced on him.

"ACK! Leon- you're so heavy what the fuck!" Emil yelped as he tried to stay on his feet.

"Tsk! Rude," Leon teased as he stood up straight and just kept an arm around Emil's shoulder, "ready for work?"

Emil rolled his eyes but didn't bother shoving him off. He didn't know why he didn't- just played it off as Leon would just keep doing it. Yeah that was it.

The two walked off the property and headed towards the popular coffee shop. It was surprisingly sunny out and all the leaves were brightly colored orange, yellow, or red.

Crisp leaves were also a plus- Emil and Leon stomping on a stray leaf or so trying to find the most satisfying crunch they could.

After goofing off for a good ten minutes they had arrived at Barstucks. It didn't look too busy thankfully and the two headed inside and waited in line.

Leon took his sweet time examining literally everything drink trying to see what would perfectly fit his current mood.

Meanwhile Emil ordered what he usually did- a chai tea latte.

They got their drinks and went to a table near the window- pulling out their books and laptops (their school required one) getting to work.

Emil had decided they should do their project on the differences between The Addams Family versus the stereotypical average American family. Granted that was kind of the point of the original content but this was going to be more in depth on his and Leon's thoughts about it.

Leon liked the idea and now there they were googling all kinds of statistics about family dynamics and anything in between that would be useful.

They were lost in their research- the only sounds coming from the rest of the cafe, their keyboards, and the occasional blow and sip of their respective drinks.

Leon looked up and watched Emil for a bit. The blonde boy was biting the end of his pencil as he usually did (of course the nerd decided to write all of his notes down on paper instead of typing them up) when thinking.

Deciding it would be entertaining- Leon gently nudged Emil's leg with his foot, smirking slightly when Emil's nose scrunched up in annoyance before shooting him a quick look.

Meaning: get back to work!

After about two hours Leon groaned and shoved his laptop lightly away from himself- "okay- that's it. I'm done for the day."

Emil yawned and rubbed a bit at one eye (adorable) and nodded his agreement, "yeah, we got a lot of information written down so we should have an easier time just piecing it together," he murmured as his eyes scanned his notes one last time and then closed his laptop- beginning to gather up his things.

Leon watched him for a hot minute before he rest his chin into the palm of his hand and leaned on the table, "so... want to do something?"

A slight red shade tinted the pale face before he quickly got his composure, "I think it's safe to say we spent enough time together today, don't you think?" He asked only slightly teasing.

Snickering, Leon leaned just a bit closer, "you act so bothered with my existence yet you turn so red so easily~" he mused mischievously.

Emil gaped at him and immediately huffed, (pretending he wasn't red rn) "whatever! You're like this with everyone you dick," he immediately defended.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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