Part Five

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Your eyes open slowly, your blurred sight falling onto the ceiling above. Your body is warm and comfortable; there isn't a single muscle that is tense. Glancing around, yesterday's events come rushing back into your mind. With reality hitting you across the face, you sit up, only to find yourself in your bed properly and tucked under the covers. What the hell? You're completely alone, there isn't another soul in sight. All his things are gone, there isn't a trace of evidence that something amazing took place in this very small apartment. Furrowing your eyebrows, confusion claims you. Was it all just a dream? Throwing the covers back, you swing your legs off the bed and get up, finding yourself in the same clothing you had changed into yesterday. Well, that's a positive sign. Dragging your fingers through your hair, you bring your hand down and glance at your palm. The redness is completely gone, as is the pain. It's perfectly fine. Wiping the crust from your eyes, you can still clearly see yourself and Morpheus in your mind, reliving some of the wonderful moments you shared... but did it really happen? Sighing heavily, you're not sure how to feel or what to believe. Your boots are where you left them, your coat is hanging where it should be, and the bathroom shows no sign of usage. Your books, bag, and clothing from yesterday are where you left them. What the fuck is happening... Whatever the case might be, whether you're finally losing your marbles or he just up and left, you know you're due at work this morning and you still have the task of finding another place to live. The world just became heavy again, and the sense of peace that greeted you upon awakening is quickly fading. Great. Coming over to the dresser, you pull open the top drawer and pull out what you're going to wear for work. Shoving any and all thoughts not regarding the day's tasks into the back of your mind, you get changed, collect your things and sprint out. As soon as your feet hit the sidewalk, you start to head in the direction you need to travel, but you come to a hard stop. Did I just see what I thought I saw? Slowly turning back around, your eyes fall right onto the car that's parked on the street. Son of a bitch. Still parked where you left it, is the car you... borrowed. It wasn't a dream. Widening your eyes, you turn on your heel and continue down the sidewalk. It wasn't a dream. If it wasn't, then why would he leave without saying something? That doesn't seem like something he would do, not after everything that took place. Tensing your jaw, you force your thoughts back once more. Give the man a chance.

Rounding the corner, you approach the shop. Coming to a stop, you see the owner and another man standing outside. They're talking with each other. You can hear the mild aggravation in the owner's voice. "Mister Ward?" You call to the man, catching his attention. "What's going on?"

He looks over at you. "Oh, Lenore, I'm sorry I forgot to call you this morning. A bloody water pipe burst last night; would you believe it? The whole place was flooded, and everything is soaked. I can't open today, not with the shop like this. Consider this your vacation time."

"My vacation— Mister Ward, I can't get through the week without—"

"Paid vacation time, then!" He waves you off before offering you the smallest smile. This man never smiles. Ever. "You deserve the break anyway. Enjoy it while it lasts, I'll call you when everything is back to how it should be."

This is weird. He's always taken such good care of his shop. Nodding, you raise your eyebrow at him. "Thank you, sir... Are you feeling alright today?"

"Never better! Other than the indoor swimming pool, I'm peachy."

Staring at him, you nod softly, your discomfort growing. "Right. Good luck with the pipes," you mutter, unsure of what to say in response. Peachy? That isn't a word he would use. Maybe this is a dream... "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

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