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    It's been so long since I last saw her that I had almost forgotten about her existence all together. Claire takes a few more steps towards me until she's close enough to offer a hand to me. I accept it, letting her help me back onto my feet.

    "What're ya doin' out here?" she asks, her accent still as thick as I remember it. "I thought you said you had a home."

    "I do," I explain, "but I was just on a walk. I was picking blackberries." I point to where my container is on the ground, tipped over on its side as almost all the contents have already spilled out onto the carpet of leaves.

    "It's awful dangerous out 'ere," Claire says, turning her eyes back to look at me. "You sure you're stayin' safe?" I nod.

    "Of course. I just want to get a few more berries to bring back with me. Food is still low in my community."

    "You're still havin' trouble with those people you talked about last time?"

    I nod. "We're trying to . . . we're trying to fight him. It's just really hard for us to get to that point. I never knew how much preparation there was in . . . . well, war."

    Before the Saviors, we had only had one other true battle and that was with the Governor, but I can't even begin to name how many differences those two situations have.

    "Here. I can help ya with that," Claire says sweetly as she watches me struggle to pick up the berries from the ground and set them into the container again. She bends down beside me,  trying her own hand at that. "Why're ya out 'ere all alone?"

    "Pretty much every other member of my group is trying to convince another community near us to give us guns and some more people to fight. They left me home."

    "How come? More of an adult thing?"

    I shake my head dismissively. "No. People my age went. I wasn't allowed to, though, because I'm still recovering from an injury." Claire furrows her eyebrows before I raise my finger to point to the scabby skin on my forehead. I had taken my bandage off last night before I gotten in the shower since the sight of the injury had finally started to heal over a little bit more and there was no sense in wasting medical supplies on something so minor. However, that's letting the rough, recovering flesh be shown to the world. At least it can be sort of easy to cover with my hair.

    "How'd ya get that?" Claire questions. I can tell that she doesn't want to make me feel uncomfortable by staring at me for too long, so quickly diverts her eyes to the ground where she picks up a few more berries and drops them into the container.

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