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    I hear a rustling at my side, waking me from my slumber. I peel my eyes open, looking through the thin morning light to see Carl laying beside me, eye trained on me while he brushes the stray hairs from my face with his hand. Once he sees me awake, he smiles a little.

    "I thought you were on watch," I remark quietly, slowly moving across the floor to be closer to him.

    "I am. It's almost time to wake up, anyways. We need to get an early start to Hilltop." I groan, not wanting to move, the mass of blankets surrounding me is keeping me warm and I have no desire to leave the house. I move my arms, placing them around Carl's neck to pull him closer. I want to go back to sleep, feeling his warmth beside me. He brings more security than I can describe.

    "Maybe just a little longer," I say, closing my heavy eyes.

    "The quicker we get there, the quicker we can rest. We'll beat a little bit of the heat, too." My eyes snap open and a smile forms on my lips.

    "Deal." Carl gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and we sit up at the same time. I grab my backpack, taking a fresh outfit out and cradling the pieces of clothing in my arms. "Where's the bathroom?"

    "Beside the kitchen," Carl replies as he places his hat back onto his head. I nod, standing and walking quietly towards the room. I find it immediately, closing the door silently behind me. There's a small, square window above the toilet that lets in enough light for me to see. I strip down, putting my fresh clothes on. I pull my fingers through my hair, trying to look somewhat decent for when we make it to Hilltop, and lace my boots onto my feet. I look in the dusty mirror, barely able to make out my reflection. I touch my hand to my bruise again, noticing the bright yellow color and green edges. At least it's healing, but it doesn't make it any less painful. It's a sore memory, branded on me.

    I walk from the bathroom, heading back to the living room where Carl is hovering over a can of green beans. "Enid left some green beans and a tomato on the table," Carl says, holding the can out to me. I hold it, only taking a few bites before giving it back. While I was eating, Carl sliced up the tomato, so hands me a few pieces. I eat them, washing the taste down with water from my flask.

    "I feel bad going to Hilltop empty handed. I mean, they can't be much better off than we are." Carl nods.

    "They're in the same boat as we are: all the shit they have goes to the Saviors." I look at the table, the wooden surface coated in wrappers and empty cans.

    "You know, if there was food here, there might be more in the surrounding houses. We could see if we can find some stuff to bring with us to Hilltop."

    "That wouldn't be a bad idea. Let's do it." Just like that, it's settled.

    By the time Carl and I are about ready to leave, Enid still isn't up yet. I volunteer to wake her, which could be a deadly task. "Hey, E, wake up. We're gonna try to leave soon." Enid grumbles as she tosses herself onto her back. Luckily, she's not too angry to be woken up. "There's food on the table. Get yourself dressed and eat up while Carl and go search the houses next door for stuff we can bring to Hilltop. They'll need food, just like Alexandria."

    "Okay," Enid mumbles as she sits up, eyes still closed. I snag the last of the tomato off the table and drop it in her hand. I look to Carl who's already at the door, any empty backpack in his hand.

    "Be ready by the time we're back," I say to her, following Carl and leaving the house.

    Outside is still chilly, but much warmer than last night. I know that it will be hot before too long, so Carl was right about trying to get an earlier start instead of waiting until afternoon. "Where to first, cowboy?" I ask, looking at the house across the street, it's siding peeling off in large chunks.

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