Betrayal 😳

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Ever since I'd left gargamel his present, I've felt so incredibly captivated with myself. It's only been a few hours, and it feels like every few seconds I check my phone for a message. All I wanted to do was visit Gargamel. The thought was gnawing at me that he's disliked me. But maybe I should just check on him.

I find myself approaching his tower. The door is still wide open from when I delivered the gift this morning. I invite myself in gingerly and trudge up his cold stone stairs to what seemed like the living room and kitchen. There was a wide worktop across the kitchen which was an uninviting shade of grey. It was invasive, but I inspected his home anyway. His cat was curled up inside the crate I'd used to put the food in, which was scattered across an old wooden table. I thought of calling out to Gargamel to see what he was doing, but he'd called out first! A shrill, tragic wail echoed across the tower. He sounded one inch tall. It had come from a room with a door I was too tall to even fit though, but I could just about fit through if I'd bent my head. I saw glass bottles, candles, plants and various books with gilt and silver patterns on the spines all in this cramped room, which I'd briefly considered magical but I was too worried about gargamel to think twice. He wasn't here! There was a tiny window with books arranged like stairs leading up to it at the end of the room. I'd felt like he could've been there. Through the open window, I could see what looked like a beehive. It was the only thing there. I didn't know what to do. The screaming continued. Gargamel was in pain. I panicked, looking around the crowded room, and on the windowsill was an artefact titled "shrinking potion" on the glass bottle . Most of the liquid was gone after I ingested it. I was looking for gargamel. 

I pushed past a bee standing at the hive door after I climbed the book staircase. I was inside the hive. I ran around the hive, beads of sweat forming on my head. I ran towards the wailing. It was gargamel! But I watched it utter fear as I watched him. He was crying. His tears ran slowly down his face like treacle and he was being slowly pushed into a churning yellow honey thing (idk) by a sneering bee. I recognised him. It was Barry Bee Benson. That absolute bitch. He was trying to turn Gargamel, my bf, into Caramel! Full of anguish, I tackled the fuzzy bee to the ground, 

And stepped on him. 

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