Chapter 10 ( finney POV )

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I go to my locker getting my books when I see y/n standing with a group off girls and she looks upset?

So I stand waiting if something might happen when one of the girls walks with y/n over to her locker.

Then I see 'little whore' spray painted on y/n's locker.

My eyes widen then I know the girl y/n brought to her locker was the the one that wrote it.

Suddenly I see y/n grab the girls hair hitting her face against the locker.

People stop their conversations to watch as y/n gets on top of the girl punching her for about a minute then saying "that what you little bitch".

She then gets up and walks into the girls bathroom.

I stood there shook thinking 'that was hot'

But she looked like a total badass and didn't even get hit.

I open the girls bathroom door I was nervous if anyone was in there cause I didn't want to be known as a creep aswell as a weirdo.

I hear her crying.

(Do you get deja vu 😩)

Walking to the stool i knock, I can hear her shuffling around.

"What, who is it" she asks sniffling.

"It's me, Finney" I say as she opens the stool.

She grabs me in the shutting and locking the stool.

Her eyes are all puffy and red.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah im fine, but what are you doing in the girls bathroom?" She asks chucking looking up at me.

"I just wanted to check on you..." I answer nervously.

"Well thanks, and can we not talk about what happened 5 minutes ago?" She asks as I nod my head.

We hold eye contact, then she just hugs me, I hug back and we stay like that for awhile.

She releases the hug and unlocks the stool.

"I think we should both go to lesson now, I'll see you in last period history Blake" she says whilst walking out of the toilets.

'God me how can someone be so beautiful' I think as i sneakily walk out the toilets, gladly class had started like 10 minutes ago so barely anyone was in the corridors.

'SHIT CLASS STARTED 10 MINUTES AGO' I say to myself as I run down the corridor to the lesson I have with Robin.

"Mr Blake you're late" the teacher says as I walk in.

" yeah sorry about that" I reply sitting down next to Robin.

"You know what that means 1 hour detention after school today" the teacher adds.

I roll my eyes I knew it was coming but I think I have to go to y/n house for that history project.

"Yo bro what to you so long" Robin asks quietly.

"Oh- nothing it doesn't matter" I answer cutting myself off.

"Whatever you say man" Robin says looking back at the board.

Time skip to last period history:

I'm sitting down when y/n shows up to history like 20 minutes late.

She sits down looking tired.

I slide a note to her 'what took so long'

She looks at it grabbing out a pen.

'They only just found out it was me that had a fight with that girl and they wanted to speak to me about it' she passes the note back.

'What happened ?' I ask sliding back the note.

She starts writing 'they said she was partly in the wrong aswell but i shouldn't have hit her so I got 1 hour detention after school for a week starting today' she slides the note across the table.

I nod and put the note away.

"Okay I'm gonna ask you to go over to your partners house today cause we only have a few weeks left for the project people so get cracking" the teacher says.

All the partners turn to each other.

"Friends?" Y/n asks.

"Friends." I say looking at her smiling, kinda wishing we could be more but whatever.

We start taking about what we can do at y/n house to study.

But then we talk about how we could host another party like the last one cause it actually wasn't that bad.

Time skip to y/n house:

(All the same people from before are there)


We were all just talking when everyone thought it would be a good idea to play 7 minutes in heaven again like a tradition.

Everyone agreed again sitting in a circle.

Robin on my right, Bruce on my left.

We started boys first this time, Robin went first and it landed on Y/n.


They go into the closet both of them looking fine.

We don't hear anything.

Gwen opens the door 7 minutes later to both of them just standing and talking, laughing about something Robin said.

"Oh it's time to get out? Anyways finally that's as funny." Y/n says walking out of the closet Robin walking behind her laughing.

I feel relieved.

It's my turn next and it lands on...


We both stand up kinda awkward.

Then when we hear they're about to open the door Donna leans in and kisses me wanting them to see that we kissed.

I stood there in shock as she pulls away everyone staring at us in surprise.

Y/n stands up eyes watering furrowing her eyebrows staring daggers at me.

As she storms off to her room.

Before I can go up to her Bruce runs up as he tells Priah to stay downstairs and he'll hello y/n.

Bruce runs up the stairs and I walk up after him.

I follow him to y/n room him sitting with her on her bed as I'm looking through the gap in the door.

Bruce is comforting her as she looking up at him holding eye contact I stood there confused until...

To be continued...

Words: 993

Okay this one was cringey but I couldn't rlly put it any other way but it will get better I just wanted this story to be different cause I'm every fan fic they argue forgive and make up straight after like what I don't think that's how it actually is LMAO.

ANYWAYS hoped you liked this one cause I actually did and I think I might make the next one very soon but I'm like rlly tired it's like 4am and I haven't slept so I might make this later but I'm going home from my holiday tomorrow so yeah 🤭🤭🤭

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