Part two

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Warning: swearing


Coach and you were in his office after the first day of practice with you in the new position within the team had just ended, discussing over the session. "What do you think?" Coach looks at you from behind his desk while you were seated on the couch across from him. "Is there any hope for them?"

"They suck ass..." you drawl out, eyes shut while rubbing your forehead in disbelief.

"You're ain't fuckin wrong there..." Coach sighs out in disappointment. "Guess we have our work cut-out for us" and you nod in agreement.

You watched as Coach bites down into his lip, clearly contemplating something as he silently studied you. God- he's so HOT when he does that... especially with the way his dimples would sink in each time he did it. Why did he have to be so cute and hot at the same fucking time, it should be a crime to looks so damn good.

Realizing your mind was heading down perv street yet again, you take pity on yourself and speak up. "Ok... out with it" you remark, "you clearly have something on your mind."

Shaking his head with a smirk at how well you could read him, Coach responds, "do you mind staying behind after school for a few days so we can go over a proper strategy plan?"

"I'll have to take a look at my schedule first, but it shouldn't be a problem" you agree.

"Great" he smiles in relief, "I'm so fuckin glad you're back..."

"Miss me that much, huh...?" you flash him a smug smirk.

"You have no fuckin idea..." he groans out, and you almost have an instant orgasm at the sound.

"Uh..." you suddenly clear your throat in an attempt to clear your filthy thoughts. "I-I... should get going..." you hastily get up from your seat in a feat to get far away from Coach before you embarrass yourself by accidently moaning out loudly in approval or something.

"Yeah, I should too..." Coach agrees, getting up himself as well. "How you getting home?" he asks you then.

"Came with my car" you respond, and he nods.

You didn't even wait for him to lockup, hightailing it the hell out of there instead as best you could with your busted-up knee.


"Why am I not surprised to see you here..." you shake your head at Y/B/F/N as the two of you make your way to the front-door of your home.

"I had to get the deats on how your first day with Coach went..." she remarks with a giddy smirk.

"You make it sound like we were on a date..." you frown at her as you enter the house. "It was a normal practice session, a bunch of kids running around a field playing a shitty game of softball."

"You must have gone back to his office afterwards..." Y/B/F/N remarks.

"Yes" you reply, "to go over the outcome of the practice."

"That's boring..." Y/B/F/N sighs out annoyed, "here I was hoping that he at least threw you over his desk and-"

"Y/B/F/N!" you cut her off, cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"Oh, c'mon..." she raises a brow at you, "you can't tell me that you haven't fantasized about that fine specimen of a man, doing bad things to you in his office."

Biting into your lip with a guilty smirk, you head to your room without saying a word. "I knew it!" Y/B/F/N cries out in excitement, "you have the hots for Coach!"

"Everyone at school has the hots for him..." you drawl out, "even you."

"Can you blame us..." she responds, clutching at her chest dramatically, "the man is sex on long legs."

"Ya ain't wrong there..." you mumble softly more to yourself than her.


The Next Day

Y/B/F/B and you were standing at your lockers, chatting when suddenly she nudges you. "Don't look now, but your dream man is behind you..."
Furrowing your brows in confusion at her, you turn to look who she was referring to. Seeing it was Coach, talking with a bunch of students further down the hallway. You turn back to face her with a deadpan stare, "seriously...?"

"What...?" she shrugs with a goofy grin.

Shaking your head at her, you reach into your locker to retrieve a paper folder. "Might as well give him this, saves me the effort of having to look for him later."

"What is it?" Y/B/F/N asks, staring at it with interest.

"Just a few ideas I came up with last night after yesterday's practice" you respond, shutting the locker and head towards him then.

Seeing that Coach was deep in conversation, you walked up behind him and decide to remain silent as you waited for him to finish. What you didn't take into calculation was how extremely close behind him you were actually standing, at least not until he abruptly turned around; bumping directly into you with a force.

"You ok?" Coach asks, staring down at you in concern as he held you against his chest with a firm grip on both your shoulders.

You stood dumbfoundedly as you silently stared at his chest, the friction of it rubbing up against your breast as he breathed heavily, doing ungodly things to you. "I... um..." you muttered incoherently. "This is for you..." you slowly lift up the folder to him and he lets go of you, taking a step back and taking the folder from your hand.

"You sure you ok...?" Coach presses again and you nod your head, refusing to look up at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I have to head to History class now..." you state, turning around in a slow trance, walking away without another word.

"Oh-my-god!" Y/B/F/N throws an arm around your shoulders with a soft squeak.

"What the fuck is up with you?" you look at her confused.

"That was such a romantic encounter, like out of a romance novel..." she remarks excitedly. "He was so staring at your boobs by the way..."

"No, he wasn't...!" you elbow her in the side to keep quiet.

"You weren't seeing the scene play out from my angle..." she debates the issue, "he was so looking at your breasts. Must have liked the feel of 'em against him" she winks at you with a dirty smirk.

"You're not right in the head, are you?" you shake your head at her.

"You're only figuring that out now?" Y/B/F/N snickers in response.

"Oh, I've had my suspicions..." you remark giving her the side-eye, "you just proved them correctly now."

"Yeah, but ya still love me none the less..." she chuckles, grabbing hold of your arm to lead you, "come on, let's get to History."

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