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Tohru woke up the next morning before everyone. Momiji, Yuki, Shigure, Kisa, Kagura, Akito, Hanajima, Uotani, and Hiro were all still sleeping. She went downstairs very quietly, and Tohru began making breakfast for everyone. Hatori and Akito were the first to wake up. "You truly are a beautiful girl, Tohru. You have a kind heart and a warm smile. It's not the least bit surprising that all of the Sohma men are enamored with you." Hatori said as he walked up and stood beside her. "Thank you, Hatori." She said as she looked up at him. Tohru made a feast that included tea, orange juice, pancakes, bacon, and sausages. As she was cooking she quickly set the table as one by one everyone woke up and joined them at the table. Next, it was Hanajima and Uotani that joined them. Hatori helped her by setting the table and Akito set out the butter, and maple syrup on the table. "It's like a zoo here. So chaotic but also tame." Hanajima said as she watched the house come alive. "Yeah, that is pretty accurate," Uotani said as they took their places at the table. The next people who woke up were Kyo, Kisa, Hiro, and Kagura. Then Yuki and Momiji finally joined them at the table. Tohru was so happy as she joined them, sitting beside Hatori. "What is it, Sissy?" Kisa asked her noticing her. "Well, I was just thinking of how lucky I am to have a family as special as this." She said as she kissed Kisa's forehead. She gathered everyone around. "I have come to think of you all as the family that I never got the chance to have. I know that we aren't related by blood but you guys are the family that I chose and that is enough for me." She said as she looked at them all as placed her hand onto Kisa's cheek gently. "We love you, Tohru," Kisa said as she looked at him. "And I love all of you," Tohru said softly. They all got ready for school and walked out of the house. They dropped Kisa and Hiro off at school before they went to school as well. All of the students were gathered in the auditorium and sat down next together as they were given a presentation on graduation and the various options that were available to them. At the end of the presentation, the principal announced that there were sign-up sheets so the students could sign up for a tour of the many colleges in Japan. Also if the students wanted to they could also take career workshops along with different cram schools to prepare the high school students for college entrance exams. Tohru looked at so many different flyers for nearby schools. There were so many and she hadn't any idea what ones would be best. She hadn't really thought about what a wanted to do after high school. She had been so focused on getting her diploma that she didn't have anything else she wanted to do. Then after school, Tohru went over to Kazuma's house to visit Izsu when she overheard them talking. "Rin the thing is, the Zodiac curse is going to break. On its own without help. It will break, no need to work yourself to death over it. Things are already in motion, those ancient toes have begun to fray. Eventually, all of us will be free. We are the generation invited to the final banquet." Shigure said as he sat on the porch looking at Izsu. "What do you mean 'eventually'? How long is that? When I'll it finally happen? Years from now? Decades? That's not good enough. It has to be broken by next spring or Kyo will-" Tohru exclaimed as she looked at them. "Wait Shigure. All this time... Did you know it would break?" Tohru asked. "You give me too much credit. I didn't know for sure. I simply had a feeling we might be nearing the end. Apparently, this is the first time that the whole zodiac has been alive at once. Such a momentous occurrence, the attendants were positively thrilled. But I came up with my own theory, it's all about the banquet, remember? What if everyone's attending because this is the last one?" Shigure said as he leaned back and propped himself up with his hands. "Would you like a further proof? Take a look at good old Kureno. His curse broke without him even trying." He told them. "What? So, you mean he-?" Izsu started. "Shall I spell it out further for you? Very well. Simply put, Kureno isn't one of us anymore and his thinking aligns with mine. He says that he also believes the end is drawing near. One change follows another, and before you know it, it all comes tumbling down. Of course, as things stand, Kyo will still be locked up." Shigure said and Tohru gasped in surprise. "Oh yes, Tohru. We know, that every member of the zodiac knows just what will happen to him. And in the not too distant future, at that. But we won't do or say anything. He'll get no help from us." Shigure said. "Why not?" Tohru asked softly. "Because he's serving his purpose as the Cat. We zodiac members are monsters." Shigure said as he stood up. "So, it's a relief to know there's someone more monstrous out there." He said as he walked towards her. "'Thank God' we think. 'At least I'm not like him.' The Cat is a gift to the rest of us, you see- another creature of us to exclude. You may not have realized, but Kyo knows-" Shigure said. "Shigure!" Tohru yelled as she dropped her bag and placed her hands on his chest to stop him. "Mad at me?" He asked as he placed his hands on hers. She shook her head before she pounded her fist onto his chest. "The Cat's burden will end, too. Sooner or later. It's not that I believe Kureno's story without question but it matches what my gut tells me. However, you said 'eventually' isn't good enough. Are you hoping to save him? Do- Do you love-?" Shigure started but Tohru pulled away. "No, but he is my friend and I don't want him to be taken away from me!" Tohru exclaimed as she looked at them with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Then why are you crying?" Shigure asked. "Tohru?" He said softly as he played with her hair gently. She pulled away and ran away, she ran to her mother's grave. She fell down in front of it and broke down crying. "Mom, I'm so sorry." She said softly. "I miss you, Mom but I'm going to be okay. I have friends that will love and care about me." She said as she looked at the grave. "Mom, I think that I have a new family that loves and accepts me for who I am," Tohru said as she looked at them. "I am going to be okay I promise, Mom." She added softly. "Mom, I love you." She said as she looked at the grave. 'What am I going to do about college!' Tohru exclaimed in her mind. 'Everyone else seems to have their plans set and I'm just struggling, Mom. I wish you were here to help me decide what to do.' Tohru thought to herself. Hatori was the one that found her crying on her mother's grave. He walked over and helped her stand up. "Miss. Honda? What happened?" He asked as he walked her to his car. "Shigure said that you guys will abandon Kyo if the curse doesn't break soon." She said whimpering softly. 'Shigure, what have you done now?!' Hatori thought as he opened the passenger car door. "We are not going to leave him behind. But it's not just Kyo that your worried about. It's all of us." He stated as she nodded in response. "Of course I'm worried about you guys. You are my family." She said softly as she buckled her seatbelt. Hatori was shocked by this revelation as he slowly walked to the other side of the car and got in. He buckled his seatbelt and turned on the car.

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