The Visit

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Kyo stormed into the house, slamming the door behind him. A few seconds later, Yuki and Tohru appeared. Kyo stopped dead and looked at Hatori. "What the hell is he doing here?" he hissed. Hatori rolled his eyes again, but he didn't reply. "H-Hello, Hatori. W-would you like some tea?" She stuttered out as she shrugged out of her jacket and hung it up. Kyo and Yuki shook their heads and left the room. "Please." Hatori and Shigure responded at the same time. She smiled hesitantly at Hatori as she passed him. Soon, Tohru came out of the kitchen holding a tray with the tea and some snacks. "I know that it was probably childish to make a snack, but I noticed that Shigure spent all night writing and I wasn't sure if you two had eaten yet." She said softly. Hatori looked at her as he started eating. "Do you need anything else?" She asked. Her eyes flicked towards Hatori involuntarily. "I do believe we're set. Thank you, dear flower of mine!" Shigure exclaimed. Tohru blushed again. Shigure coughed and threw a piece of bread crust at him. Hatori scowled at Shigure. "Now, was that really necessary?" He asked Shigure exasperatedly. Tohru chuckled to herself and left. 'I had grown so used to being alone, after about two days I had grown used to her, enjoying her being with me. Tohru had always been so warm to me, kind, and gentle without ever asking for anything in return. My frozen heart had melted, and beat to a warm, happy tone.' Hatori thought to himself as he looked over at her. "I need to go grocery shopping for the house, today." She said as she looked at him. "I'll come with you to help." Hatori said as he looked at Tohru. "Okay!" Tohru said happily as she grabbed her purse. Hatori and Tohru left the house and walked down to the local supermarket. They walked into the grocery store and did their shopping for the month. She used Hatori to get the heavy household supplies and to reach the high shelves that she couldn't reach by herself. Then when they finished, she paid for everything and loaded them into the car. "What are you really planning to do with all of that?" Hatori asked her, her eyes went wide. "Well, I got the months worth of groceries and household supplies. I always buy extra just incase we get more unexpected visitors." She said as she looked at him. "You are such a smart, kind and beautiful young woman." Hatori said smiling as he pulled up in the driveway that the Sohma family paid for so they could have easier access to his home with vehicles. They put groceries away first before the household supplies. "Hi sissy!" Kisa said as she and Hiro ran out to meet them. "Hey, Kisa. Hello Hiro." She said as she looked at the adorable couple. She placed her hand on her stomach and it was wet. Confused, she lifted up her shirt and saw that she was bleeding pretty badly. "Oh No! Hatori, Sissy's bleeding!" She yelled. Hatori immediately went to her side. "I must have cut myself somewhere. I didn't even feel it." She said as they went upstairs and into her bedroom. Kisa and Hatori and kicked out the boys for privacy. Kisa helped her take off her shirt leaving her in a bra. Hatori took off her bandages and cleaned her wounds before finding that she had a large gash on her stomach. Akito entered the bedroom and went over to Tohru.

"Tohru, I'm sorry I have to stitch this up." Hatori said as he took out a new sterilized needle and some sutures. "Oh okay. I guess I have no idea what happened though." She said smiling. "I'm also sorry that couldn't help you but anything you need, it's all yours." Akito noted, concerned. "Thank you, Akito but all I ask for is your love." Tohru said softly as she placed her hand onto Akito's cheek. Then when Hatori finished stitching her up, Akito and Kisa helped her put a new clean button up shirt on. Tohru kissed each of them on their cheeks. "Thank you both for taking care of me." She said, smiling happily. Hatori looked up, just a little confused. "Are you going to be ok, Sissy?" Kisa asked, scared. "Yeah, I'll be ok, I promise. Hatori is taking very good care of me." Tohru said as she looked at their worried faces. "I'm going to be just fine. I promise." She encouraged. "Thank you, Hatori." Kisa cried, hugging Hatori. Then Shigure, Kyo, Yuki, Momiji and Hiro found them in bedroom. Shigure knocked on the door softly. "Tohru, love may we come in?" He asked, softly concern showing in his voice. "Always, come in." She said smiling. "Can we hug Tohru, Hatori?" Momiji asked right away as he entered the room. Everyone sat down in their normal spots and looked at Tohru. "I wouldn't recommend it; she's still in pain." Hatori sternly said. "Awww! Ok." Momiji complained. "Tohru may be stupid, but she's a good person, it hurts to see her in pain." Hiro said defending Tohru for the first time. "You shouldn't worry to much. She is going to be okay." Hatori sighed, running his hand through his hair. Then Uotani and Hanajima showed up and entered her room worriedly. "Uo-chan, Hana, what brings you by?" Tohru asked them. "I sensed a bad feeling in your waves, I was concerned." Hana said as she climbed into bed next to Tohru. "Oh, I'm fine. I promise, I don't know what happened but I got a gash on my stomach and I needed it stitched up. You remember Hatori, the Sohma family's doctor. He is taking great care of me." She told her friends. "This is Kisa, Hiro and Akito Sohma." She said looking at her friends. Akito looked over at Shigure knowingly. "This is Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima." She said smiling. "God." Hanajima said as she looked at Akito. "Yes, in a way. I'm the Sohma Head." Akito replied as she looked at them. "You are a powerful being Ms. Hanajima. You could be an amazing asset in my line of work." Akito said. "Thank you for the compliment." Hanajima said softly as the door opened and Ayame, Kagura, Kureno, Hatsuharu, Izsu and Ritsu walked in. "Oh, Hello guys." She said happily. "This is Ayame, Yuki's older brother, Kagura, who is madly in love with Kyo, Izsu, Haru's girlfriend, Ritsu, Kazuma and Kureno Sohma." She said introducing everyone but she the last name softly as Uotani looked up and recognized him. She ran over and hugged Kureno before he had a chance to walk into the door. Kureno hugged her back as Hana, Akito, Momiji and Tohru all smiled knowingly. The two went downstairs to talk. Kyo was being pursued around the house by Kagura whereas Yuki was being annoyed by his brother, Ayame. Hatori and Tohru were just sitting on her bed watching the utter chaos unfolding. Rin and Hastuharu were sitting in a corner cuddling and Momiji was watching her. "Let's have Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Corn for dinner! I think we have the all of the ingredients that we need..." She said as she went back into the kitchen and began preparing their meal. "Yeah, I promise. It's nothing you need to worry about." She told him as she went back into the kitchen and prepared the chicken for dinner. Shigure set the table while Ayame helped her cook. "I'll do the deep fried chicken and you can cook the mashed potatoes and corn, Ayame." Tohru said as she looked at him as she prepared the ingredients and began making the fried chicken when put the vegetable oil into a large pot and boiled it. She put flour into a bowl with some seasoning. She cleaned the chicken before placing it into flour mixture. She used a wooden spoon to cover it completely before taking it out and placed it in the oil. Ayame smiled as he watched her before he helped her by putting water in a pot and boiling it. He put the corn in a bowl and microwaved it. Everyone all came together when dinner was done and set up, they smiled talked about their day as they ate the food that Tohru and Ayame prepared together. Soon, they finished eating so they put the left overs into the fridge for their lunches, the next day. She cleaned up the house and did the dishes, putting them away. She went and took a shower and went to bed in her long frilly black tank top and green shorts. "You don't look so good, Tohru." Momiji said as Hatori looked at her. He took out his tools and checked her over. "Yes, I think that she needs to get some rest." Hatori said ushered her back upstairs. Hatori smiled softly as he watched the brave young woman in front of him before joining the others in the living room. Hana, Uotani, and Akito walked upstairs and into her room. "Akito, Hana-chan, Uo-chan, I want to share something with you three. I'm in love with Hatori Sohma." Tohru said, blushing. "You really do care about him huh?" Uotani said as she looked at her best friend. "I have sensed a change in him. He hasn't been coming around that much lately. Now I know why, he has fallen inlove with you." Akito replied as she looked at Tohru. "I wish you two all the happiness in the world." Akito added. "Thank you, Akito. That means so much to me that you approve." Tohru said hugging her. Akito hugged her back. "Me and Uotani should scope him out first to see if he is really a good match for you, Tohru." Hanajima said as she looked at her darling Tohru. "I can vouch for Hatori. He is a brilliant doctor, he is kind and caring." Akito said as she looked at Uotani and Hanajima. "Okay, if you say so." Hanajima said as she covered up Tohru and tucked her into bed. "Now rest, Tohru." Uotani said as she shut off her bedroom light. Then the three of them walked downstairs leaving Tohru to rest. Hatsuharu and Rin were against the wall cuddling, Uotani walked over to Kureno and laid in his lap. Hiro, Kisa, and Momiji were watching T.V.. Shigure pulled Akito to him and held him in his arms. Shigure pulled Akito into his arms and held her her close. Hana was talking to Kazuma, Yuki, and Ritsu. Hatori and Ayame were talking to one another. Ayame had his head into Mine's lap, resting for a minute. Kyo was holding Kagura in his arms as they watched the show. "Everyone I need to get something off my chest. I'm inlove with Tohru Honda." Hatori said looking at them. "I knew it! Aya, Ha'ri wants to steal away my flower!" Shigure exclaimed as Yuki and Kyo both smacked him over the head. "Shut up, pervert." Yuki said as Kyo glared at him. "Yeah, don't talk about Tohru that way." Momiji said. As it got later, Kureno, Kazuma, Hatsuharu, and Izsu were the first ones to leave followed by Mine and Ayame, and then finally Ritsu. They all went home for the night but promised to visit soon. Soon, Kyo, Kagura, Yuki, Hiro, Kisa, Hana, Momiji, Hatori, and Uotani, Shigure and Akito were all fast asleep and slept throughout most of the night.

'Tohru opened her eyes and she was in the apartment that she had shared with her mom before she died. She looked over and saw her mother standing in the doorway. Tohru ran up and hugged her tightly. "Mom!" Tohru exclaimed. "Hello Tohru. I need to tell you something, and I don't have much time." Kyoko said as she looked at her beloved daughter. "What is it, Mom?" Tohru asked as Kyoko took Tohru's hands into her own. "Tohru, I really do want to see you grow up. To see the woman your going to become, because I know that she is going to be beautiful and she is going to be powerful. So become that woman. I believe in you, Tohru, I am so proud to be your mother. Me and your father will always be with you, in your heart." Kyoko said as she placed her hand onto Tohru's chest and felt her heartbeat. "Tohru, we will always love you but you need to promise me that you will  take care of yourself now that I'm gone. You and your friends have to take care of each other. You have to be strong, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live for me and experience the world." Kyoko said as she hugged Tohru close before fading away. "Mom! Don't Leave!" Tohru screamed as she tried to grab her mother.' It was around midnight when heard Tohru screaming for her mother, Hanajima, Uotani and Hatori. Tohru woke up panting, she looked around and saw everyone's worried expressions. She was positive that she had heard her mother's voice and saw her face in her mind as she remembered her mother's words. "Hatori, Hana, Uo." She said softly as she stood and wrapped her arms around them. "What happened another dream?" Hana asked her as Uo and Hana got her back into bed. "Yeah, I'm sorry to be a bother. I'll be fine." Tohru said as she looked at them all. "No bother at all, Miss. Honda." Yuki said as he sat down besides her bed. Momiji sat besides him and grabbed Tohru's hand. "It's going to be alright now, Sissy. We are here now." Kisa said as she hugged Tohru. Hana and Uotani did the same. Tohru hugged them and held them close. "Sorry for waking you guys." She said softly as she looked at them all. "It's okay, we are just all worried about you, so we want to stay and watch over you for a little while." Akito said as she and Shigure sat in a bean bag chair. "You really don't have to. I think I'm going to be alright." Tohru said softly as she held onto her friends. "Let us observe you tonight." Hatori said as he grabbed blankets and pillows for everyone so they could stay with her. He handed out the blanket and pillows to everyone. Hiro and Kisa made their sleeping areas at the foot of her bed and laid down. Hatori covered the four girls and sat on floor besides Tohru's bed with Momiji. Yuki went back to his bedroom downstairs and Kyo went back to his bedroom with Kagura. Everyone took shifts so they could monitor Tohru throughout the rest of the night.

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