Chapter 7

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As always the maids didn't dissapoint. Though, America was confused by her outfit. She wore jeans that hugged her in the right places and a light blue blouse that had hanging straps. They made her hair into a half ponytail with a blue bow in the middle. To top it all off she wore long blue boots. She'd never dressed like this before. Sure she wore jeans and blouses but not this stylish. She felt like herself while also looking stylish.

The maids finished her up early so she decided to take a walk in the gardens while she waited for Julian.

Her mind felt clear as soon as she breathed in the fresh air. She stopped at the bench, staring as memories flooded her. Due to hormones, she got really emotional and ended up sliding against the bench and quietly crying to herself.

Everytime she saw Maxon and Kriss together her heart only kept breaking into more pragments. All the events just came and slam into her like a train.

She didn't know how long she cried for or when Julian arrived to pull her in his arms. She just let it all out, her face buried in his neck.

"It's going to be alright, love. Come on. How about for tonight we'll just be us. Just America and good old me. No prince, selection, or any of that. What do you say?" Julian says offering his hand as he stood.

America didn't take it right away. She remained seated for a moment, drying out her tears and pulling herself back together. She was glad that she didn't wear makeup for the tears would have ruined it.

Then when she was pulled together, she slipped her hand in his. "That would be wonderful."

Julian smiled his usual charming smile before pulling her up and linking arms with her.

Little did they know, Maxon was watching from his balcony the whole time.

Maxon forced the tears in his eyes back as he watched his brother and the love of his life link hands and stroll away to a car.

He had to fix his mistake. A very big mistake. If only he'd listened to America this wouldn't have happen.

He still loved her. Sure Kriss was lovely. But she wasn't America.

He missed their fights, how her eyes brighten whenever she laughed, their signals, and their stolen kisses.

He missed her.

He loved her.

And so he got ready. Did he think through what he was going to do? Absolutely not but he had to get her back. "Kriss, dear, would you like to go out?" Maxon asked when he found her.

"Oh Maxon I'd love that. It's been a while since we had a date. Ah! I've got to prepare. Pick me up in 30 minutes," Kriss said eventhough she already looked fine.

Maxon shook his head. "No its alright. You already look...radiant. We can just head out alright?"


"Please?" Maxon said.

"Alright Alright. Where are we going?"

"The fair that's going on today. You know what how about we invite the rest of the girls? I'm sure they'll have fun as well," Maxon said so she wouldn't question why America was also there.

"OH they'll love that!" Kriss grinned before sending her maids to tell the other girls. "Alright let's go."

"Oh it's beautiful Julian. I love it," America gushed, staring at all the food stands and rides and photo booth.

"I'm glad. I've never been. It's so bright," Julian said, taking in everything as well for he grew up under the palace.

"Oh my gods you're missing out. Come on!" America grinned, pulling him to the food carts. "You'll love this. "

"Sir, may we have two cotton candy please?" America asked, reaching to her pocket but froze.

Julian chuckled before pulling out his wallet. "Go crazy."

America grinned before paying the person 10 bucks for two huge cotton candy. She passed one to Julian who frowned. "Oh you goof. It's to eat. Just bite off pieces of it. Come on."

"If you say so," Julian chuckled before taking a bite of it. His eyes widened at the explosion of taste in his mouth. "Ohmysweetgoodness."

"I know right! Oh my gods we gotta get some funnel cake, ice cream, fried oreos, curly fries, and the rides! Thank you Julian. Really. It's really nice," America said, looking up.

"It was my pleasure, love," he smiled then chuckled before wiping off some cotton candy off her cheek.

"Sorry," America chuckled before finishing up hers. They tried many other foods before getting prepared for the rides.

"Ohh that look very promising," Julian grinned, pointing to a roller coaster.

"Promising death you mean? No thanks. I chose life," America says.

Julian truly laughed. "America please. If you ride it with me I'll ride the carousel with you."

America bit her lip thinking. "Fine!"

And so they went with America screaming and hugging him the whole ride. She almost fell to the ground when they left the ride.

"Ugh! That was terrible! But fast. Now let's go to the carousel mister," America grinned dragging him off to the ride.

It was really fun. She chose a light blue horse with painted red hooves and he chose a black horse with white mane. They were laughing the entire ride.

When the ride was finally over, they held hands while they leaned close to each other as they walked.

"Oh! A photo booth. I remember this. May and I use to do this. Come on," America said, pulling him to the tiny booth. She put in 2 quarters and grinned. "Smile," she said then glared. "What kind of smile is that! Smile for real missy."

"Alright Alright," Julian chuckled. The camera snapped at that time when they were laughing then snapped some more.

"Alright. Wacky poses," America grinned, putting bunny ears behind his back. Julian felt something touching his side and hair so turned to face her while America was about to say something and turned at the same time.

Their lips brushed against each others.


America pulled back with a jerk.

Julian looked stunned as well. "Sorry..I didn't do it on purpose. It was just...,"

"I know. It's fine. You don't have to look so horrified though," America said eventhough she was flushed.

"I no it's just that was my first," Julian said. "Not that I could call it a kiss."

"Hmm," America said looking at her lap. She didn't know what made her do it her heart or her hormones but she looked up. "Then let's make it called a kiss."

Julian's face smoothed out and there was no sign of amusement in his eyes as be cradled her cheek.

America closed her eyes then felt the touch of his lips in hers. His was nothing like Maxon. It felt soft yet hard and it lasted more than a few seconds.

When America finally pulled back, they kept close to each other. Her senses came back to her. "Let's go ride some more rides?"

"Let's, love," Julian smiled getting out the booth and walking with her.

It was a lovely night.

Till Maxon and Kriss finally arrived.

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