Chapter 1- The Labyrinth

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Ah yes, chapter one. The one where you get yeeted headfirst into our mischief. Happy Halloween!

Lunya and Jacaranda were wandering around, chattering about everything and nothing at all. Lunya noticed a little symbol scratched into a rock face nearby. The symbol appeared to be simply an isosceles triangle, but Lunya knew the meaning. "Daedalus' sign. There's an entrance to the Labyrinth here..."

"Fascinating," Jacaranda cut in. "Let's go fight a Minotaur!"

The two teens searched for the entrance. It turned out to be a hole about five feet away from the mark, covered by foliage. It was just big enough for them to fit through. With silent nods, they went in.

After the initial entrance, the Labyrinth widened out into a maze of stone tunnels. Everything was quiet, except the footsteps of Jacaranda and Lunya themselves. Up ahead, Lunya saw something. It was like a man, but with the head of an angry bull. The Minotaur.

"CHARRRRRRRRRRRGE!" Lunya shouted, rushing at the beast. Jacaranda ran up as well, and used her katana to slash at the Minotaur, who instantly retaliated, killing Jacaranda. The Minotaur spun around, killing Lunya as well.

Lunya and Jacaranda both respawned someplace in the middle of the maze.

"That didn't work," Jacaranda pointed out. "How do we leave?"

"Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Lunya mused.

"Crap. It's a Labyrinth."

Lunya began to run in a completely random direction. She eventually hit a wall, and fell backwards. "Ouch."

Jacaranda ran after Lunya. "Wait! We need to not get separated!" Jacaranda also ran into the same wall. "Ow."


"We're not calling it magical death spit!" Jacaranda retorted, in her best Queen Glory impression.

"It's official, Queen bossywings!" Lunya responded.

Suddenly, the Rainwing in a teenage human hybrid form, Indigo appeared. "Yes, we are calling it magical death spit!"

"Yes! We're calling it magical death spit," Lunya agreed. "Deathbringer, half-brother, help me out here!" The aforementioned dragon did not appear.

Indigo picked up a rock, and said, "I enchant this rock to leadeth me through maze thingy!"

"Yes! Thank you!" Lunya hugged Indigo.

"Okay, I'm here," Indigo said. "What did you two get yourselves into?"

"We're in the Labyrinth and both got killed by the Minotaur," Jacaranda said nonchalantly.

"Oh, nice. That's fun!" Indigo said, before poofing into a pile of items due to a blow from the Minotaur. She respawned about 20 feet away, in a connecting corridor.

"It automatically set our spawn here," Lunya noticed. "Yikes."

"Oops," Indigo said.

"Oh no," Jacaranda replied.

"UM," Lunya started. "YOU STILL HAVE THE ROCK?"

"Yes, I still have the rock and the exit is this way-" Indigo said, dashing in that direction. "RUN!"

Jacaranda ran behind Indigo, using her feathered wings to boost herself along to make up for her poor running stamina.

"Why'd you enchant a rock anyway?" Lunya asked, before running to catch up with the others.

"Because it was the first thing I grabbed!" Indigo retorted.

"You're just as bad as Turtle!" Jacaranda shouted.

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