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Before we begin the story, I'd like to tell you just a few very important things.

Firstly, this story is not solely mine. The dialogue and plot were collaborated on between myself and: sirabooks, IndigoSilver08, LunyaVioletBlue, and ilovepandas433. Indigo might eventually write it out and post it as well. Hopefully.
I will tag those people in the comments here: ------>

Second, a decent amount of the characters are not ours, because this is a fanfiction. Some of the characters, however, are OCs from any of us.

Third, this story comes from a discord roleplay. Due to the nature of discord roleplays, this story:
-Sometimes has plot or dialogue that doesn't make much sense
-Is quite spur of the moment, so may not have ANY foreshadowing, apart from the time I spent an hour setting up a grand reveal, or the time we had an entire separate chat to keep a secret
-Introduces characters in random and strange ways
-Will quite possibly have a blooper reel
-Is a super mega crossover
-May have weird pacing

Fourth, it is important to note that this story starts out taking place in Minecraft.

With that out of the way, let's go!

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