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There is something in me that I cannot part with

It holds on and on, never letting me go. 

Its presence bites at my body but never swallows it.

I wish it could swallow it so I wouldn't have to keep on wishing.

Wishing to make it disappear.

Why? Why?

Why does it not go away?  

Please. Go away. 

I just want you to make it disappear. 

But you don't. You keep hanging on and keep giving it permission to keep biting at it. 

And no matter how long and how hard I beg, you don't make it happen.

So then I find myself wishing you away. But you don't go away. You can't go away.

How can you go away, when wishing you away is wishing me away?

So then I wish myself to get stronger.

But it doesn't work. I am not strong.

I can't keep pushing away your dark aura constantly. 

I get tired and frustrated when you give in easily to it. 

So I wish for both of us to get stronger. 

And although it works, it only lasts a short bliss. 

And then you slowly give in and I slowly fall into line.

and again it repeats.  

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