Season 1 - Class 1-A

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3rd P.O.V

A day before U.A High starts the Teachers are having a meeting about the Hero Course results.

Teacher 1: "It looks like this year's Participants are better than before." said with a neutral look

Teacher 2: "Yeah." said with a neutral look

Teacher 3: "First of all, there's two-person got the same score and be at the top. Bakugo Katsuki got 77 Villain Points without any Rescue Points. In another hand, Tatsuma Ryuga the son of the famous Heroine Dragon Hero Ryukyu got 68 Villain Points and 9 Rescue Points that scoring a total of 77 points." said with a neutral look

Teacher 4: "In another hand, Midoriya Izuku got 60 Rescue Point, but was seriously injured by his own attack." said with a neutral look

Teacher 1: "But in the Battle Center I has got my eyes on it." said with a neutral look

Teacher 3: "An Examiner named Kiryuu Y/n got 33 Villain Point and 40 Rescue Point. When I check his Quirk file he is supposed to be a Genius, but how can he gain speed and strength?" said with a confused look

Teacher 2: "And the most questionable is that why did he shake something beforehand?" said with a smirked look


At Nascita Y/n's alarm was ringing trying to wake him up, but he hit it with his Drill Crusher, then he woke up, brush his teeth, takes a shower, and have some breakfast.

Sakura: "It's really surprising that you got to enter U.A.," said with a smiling look

Y/n: "Of course, you already knew that since you know my identity, Sakura! I'm a Genius after all! And this is my first step toward becoming a True Hero!" said with a smiling look

Sakura: "Aren't you already a Hero?" said with a confused look

Y/n: "That thing is different." said with a neutral look

Sakura: "Well good luck on your first day, but aren't you still need to reveal who you truly are to your class?" said with a confused look

Y/n: "I know that, but I came prepared when will that happen and stop using my Quirk on me, Sakura!" said with an annoyed look

Sakura: "Sorry, well goodbye." said with a smiling look

He rush to the door and headed toward U.A High to start becoming a True Hero.

Mini Timeskip

After announcing that both Y/n and Midoriya were attending U.A High they were in front of the gate to U.A and they both stood together in silence as they were preparing themselves to enter till Y/n broke the silence.

Y/n: "This is it, Izuku...Our first day in U.A and our first step in being a Hero!" said with a smiling look

Izuku: "I'm so nervous, but I'm ready!" said with a smiling look

Y/n: "Good! Then let's go!" said with a smiling look

Then they both entered the school and they were looking for their Class 1-A until they bumped into someone on the way.

Y/n: "Sorry, we didn't see you there, we were trying to find our classroom, Class 1-A." said with a smiling look

???: "It's alright, I'm kinda lost as well." said with a smiling look

Y/n: "My name is Kiryuu Y/n and this here..." said with a smiling look

Midoriya: "Oh! I'm Midoriya Izuku nice to meet you." said with a smiling look

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