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Tohru Honda had a knack for saying things that the Sohmas wanted or even needed to hear. Two months ago, he asked her the same question Kana posed to him when they first met. '"When the snow melts, what do you think it becomes?" Hatori asked as he stood beside her. "It becomes spring." Tohru said, just as Kana did years ago. But she went further. "No matter how cold it is now, spring will come again. Without fail,'' Tohru said, smiling up at him.' Whenever he remembered that incident, hope rose in him that maybe he would find someone again. He suspected this was the effect she had on other members of the zodiac. She gave them hope. Like many of the Sohmas, Hatori was very fond of Tohru. He didn't know what Akito thought of her since the clan head kept his own counsel. To be honest, Hatori didn't much care what Akito thought so long as the moody young man didn't hurt Tohru. He could tell that both Yuki, Momiji, and Kyo were in love with her. But Tohru seemed oblivious to the situation and didn't favor one over the others. His musings were interrupted by the phone ringing. "Tori?" Shigure whined. "Would you mind coming over? Yuki and Kyo got into another fight and Tohru got hurt." He explained. 'Those idiots.' Hatori thought. "I'll be there in an hour." He said annoyed. "You never grant my requests that quickly. Is it because of Tohru? You naughty man, trying to steal my young wife." Shigure said gasping over the phone. Hatori held his tongue. He was used to the dog's teasing. "I was right, wasn't I? Tsk tsk Tori, you are eleven years older than our little flower," Shigure said teasingly. "Stop babbling nonsense. I'll see you in an hour." He said before he hung up on the dog. Hatori could hear Yuki and Kyo arguing as he approached the house. "Stupid cat. Look what you did to Miss. Honda." Yuki said as he looked at the orange-haired cat. "Don't put all the blame on me, you damn rat!" Kyo yelled back at him. "Yuki, Kyo I'm fine really. Don't worry about me. It's my fault for getting in the way." Tohru exclaimed trying to break up the brawl. Hatori smiled. 'Typical Tohru, always apologizing.' He thought as he knocked and the door was flung open by Kyo. "Well, it's about time Hatori." Kyo exclaimed. Tohru was sitting in the living room watching T.V. while sporting a big bump on her head and a right hand loosely wrapped in bandages. Yuki hovered near her, concern written all over his face. She saw Hatori and smiled. "Hatori! What brings you here?" Tohru exclaimed with a smile. "You." He stated as he put down his doctor's bag and started checking her injuries. "I'm so sorry you had to come here on such a cold day. I was stupid enough to drop some glasses and then try to pick up the broken pieces." Tohru explained with a soft smile. "But Miss. Honda, it's Kyo's fault the glasses got broken. He crashed through the sliding door and you got pushed into a wall.'' Yuki said. "You kicked me, you damn rat!" Kyo yelled at him. "Then you need to train more, you stupid cat." Yuki yelled back. "Stop calling me stupid!" Kyo exclaimed. "If the shoe fits..." Yuki said. A grinning Shigure walked into the room. "I just knew that you would fight your way through the freezing snow for Tohru. Make sure you treat her like the delicate flower she is, Tori!" Shigure yelled at him. "What are you talking about?" Kyo snarled at the dog, Hatori then carefully looked and felt the bump on Tohru's head, removed the bandages from her hand, treated the deep cut, and bandaged it properly. Then he checked her legs and hands for any other contusions and cuts. He found a shallow scratch on her leg. He placed a bandage over it as he looked up at her. "The bump should be gone in about two days. Use this ointment on the wound, it should be healed in a week. Make sure you change the bandages every day and don't get them wet. Have someone else do the dishes." He told her as he handed over a tube of ointment. He grabbed his bag and stood up. "Thank you, Hatori." Tohru asked as she looked into his eyes. "Make sure that you take care of yourself. Seems a lot of people get rattled when you're hurt." Hatori said and prepared to leave. He needed to get back to the main house. She grabbed his hand and looked at him. Embarrassed, she let go and dropped his hand. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that!" Tohru said as she bowed. Shigure cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. Tohru looked up at them, blushing gently. "Why don't you stay for breakfast Tori? I'm sure Tohru would love to thank you with a home-cooked meal." Shigure said looking at the doctor. Tohru waited expectantly for an answer. When Hatori slowly nodded, she smiled brightly at him. The dragon found himself smiling back. 'Akito can wait.' Hatori thought to himself as Tohru served them all breakfast. "Tohru, you should still be taking it easy. Don't overwork yourself." Hatori said as Tohru continued to fuss over her task, pouring tea for Hatori and Shigure. "Isn't she such a darling little bride, Tori?" Shigure beamed, drawing evil glares from Yuki, and Kyo. "Nothing ever changes around here." Hatori mused. He felt a headache coming on, but he ignored it and attributed it to his cousins. Breakfast was delicious. It had been a while since he'd eaten such a meal. Even the food at the main house paled in comparison to Tohru's cooking. He sipped his tea and eyed his cousins. He envied them. 'They don't have to live at the main house and deal with Akito every day. And they have her.' Hatori said as he watched Tohru. Tohru ran up to him with a wrapped parcel. "Hatori, I made you lunch. It's nothing special but I hope you like it." Tohru said happily as she looked at him. "That's very thoughtful of you Miss. Honda. Thank you." Hatori said as he accepted the parcel and then placed it and his bag on a table. Acting on impulse, he took her uninjured hand and squeezed it briefly. A blushing Tohru slowly looked up at him. "H-Hatori. Would you like to hang out after you are done at work?" Tohru asked him stuttering. "Um... Sure." Hatori said looking down at her. Tohru went and tidied up the kitchen, Tohru wondered why she got so flustered at what Hatori did. He was just thanking her for the bento. Still, the doctor she knew wasn't into open displays of affection. She'd never even seen him hug any of the other members of the zodiac. Shigure, who had seen everything that had happened, grinned at Hatori. He wagged a finger at the dragon. "Now, now Tori. Don't you charm our little flower away from us? Yuki and Kyo would never forgive you." Shigure said. Once she was calmed down, Tohru walked back into the living room and sat down beside Hatori. "Tohru would make someone a wonderful wife, she can cook, she cleans, she is so beautiful and kind. I wish I could marry her." Shigure exclaimed as he looked at Hatori and then at a blushing Tohru. 'Tohru is so selfless, kind, thoughtful, and, beautiful. She had used all of her money to make everyone Valentine's Day chocolates. Yet she worries whenever someone spends the least little bit of money on her!' Hatori thought to himself as he watched the awkward rice ball interact with the dog and the rat. To be completely honest with himself, the mere thought of her made the dragon want to smile, and there were very few people who could do that. 'No, no, no You're turning into Shigure! Why, why, why can't I get rid of this feeling? Hari, you lech, you pervert.' He thought before he heard a large crash and yelling. Kyo and Yuki were arguing once more. "We have to get to school, now." Tohru said as she grabbed her bag and left with Kyo and Yuki.
Hatori also left and went to work.

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