Chapter 10: Missing Pieces

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"I have so much of you in my heart"

-John Keats

----Not edited, I'll get around to it soon but for now enjoy!----

I was laughing.

So hard that tears continued to roll from my eyes.

"Seriously Wes? A Time Traveler?" I doubled over as I laughed. He was crazier than me! Time Travel. Wow.

"Adelle, I'm not joking," the gravity of his voice broke my peels of laughter.

"You do know how crazy that sounds right?" I was shaking now. A trembling that over took my whole body.

"Yes, but I need you to believe me," It wasn't until then that I realized how serious Wes was.

"How can I believe you when I have no evidence? You have told me next to nothing," I was scared to learn more. Terrified actually.

"I know Adelle and I'm going to tell you everything. But it's going to take time."I could tell that Wes was unsure so I softened my tone,

"I have time," I took his hand, needing the reassurance, needing the connection to him.

"This is going to sound completely crazy but just keep an open mind okay?" Wes's bright eyes bore into mine, searching.

"Okay," I took a deep breath.

"At the beginning of time there was Eve, the first women put upon the Earth. She had a daughter, Isra. Isra was beautiful but a little different. She was far more intelligent than other children her age. As Isra grew older she became a lovely young women, desired by many. But one day as she was working in the fields a vicious storm rolled in and Isra was caught in imperious winds and torrential rains. Blindly walking she was struck by a single bolt of lightning. Isra fell to the ground and was still, pale as a sheet and as cold as ice. But she wasn't dead; her heart beat was strong. Eve was distraught when she found her beautiful daughter lying so death-like in the mud. Isra stayed in this state for three days and three nights, as her mother sat vigil at her bedside not knowing that Isra's chromosomes were rearranging, giving her and her descendants, the powerful ability to Time Travel. Finally Isra awoke and recalled incredibly life-like dreams of flying through a blue tunnel to end up in a foreign land,"

At this I gasped and my world wavered. Wes only tightened his grip on my hand and continued the story, "In time Isra discovered her new found ability and used it to better the world. Isra later got married and passed the gift down to her children, who passed it on to their children, who passed it on to their children, thus creating the race of Time Travelers," Wes finished and and his eyes searched my face trying to gauge my reaction.

"Adelle please say something." I swallowed and tried to collect my thoughts.

"So you're saying that I'm a time traveler?"

"Yes, and so am I."

"No that's impossible!" I cried and shot to my feet, completely outraged and terrified.

"Adelle think about all that has happened. I know it sounds crazy but do you have any other explanation?" Wes rose to his feet as well as I started to pace his living room, digesting this life-altering information.

I thought over everything that has happened since Wes has shown up; the strange dreams, the miraculous healing, crazy flashes of blue, images that I've never seen before, and the intense connection to him, like my heart knew who he was but I didn't. Deep within myself I knew what Wes was telling me was true, it felt right and I couldn't change the truth; I was a Time Traveler. What that entailed, I did not know but what I did know was that Wes was going to be there for me. Every step of the way.

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