The enemies

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~Time Skip to Practice.~

I walked quickly inside the building, shutting the door so the fall wind couldn't come inside.

I walked to the janitor's closet and grabbed the water bottles, then I continued to the locker room. The door was locked so I used the spare key to unlock it.

Once I got inside I filled the bottles and left them on a bench, a few moments later Mr.Oron came in.

"Hello coach," I said smiling which he returned "hello Marianne, I heard about what happened to your arm, when will it heal?"

"The doctor said in about 2 months but there's a chance it could heal faster." He smiled.

"Good, I'm gonna need that hand good as new so the notes you'll be taking will look great."

I smiled, a few moments later everyone came filling the room causing me to be squished next to the coach.

"Hey, Snips!"
"How's it going?"

Everyone spoke at once, Mr.Oron looked at them like they were crazy, "is Snips the nickname you've given her?" They all nodded.

"Uhh, it's some Nickname we heard Mary Joe say, she said it drives Y/n crazy, so now we are gonna use it," Goldberg said.

"Don't drive her insane, we don't want her to go running out the door only to never return." The coach said, which caused everyone to laugh a little.

"Hey Snips, can we sign your cast now?" Julie spoke with a calm voice.

"Hey! Why don't we turn this into a reward for running laps!" coach said, which made everyone groan.

"Alright everyone get dressed, then get on the ice form a line, and one at a time you're gonna do a lap, and then that one person will sign the cast."

Everyone tried to act happy, at least it wasn't 10 laps.

After some time we all got on the ice and I took out a marker, one at a time they all came and signed my arm, some leaving a funny comment.

After that coach told me to go deliver some of the permission papers for the next game to the head of activities.

While I was walking back to the ice rink I realized some of the Varsity hockey boys were following me.

I think their names are Scooter Whyte and Adam Banks.

Well anyways after a few minutes they caught up to me. "Uhm hello Miss" I looked at the tall boy and stopped walking "I'm Scooter."

"Hmm what an interesting name."

He looked at me, almost like he was stressed out "right ... Anyways, we heard you were the assistant to the Jv team and we just wanted to say hello."

"Why on Earth would you want to say hello to me, aren't you and your silly team in a war with my team." He licked his lips and looked around trying to figure out what to say next.

"Look, we just wanted to say hello," Adam said, and I nodded my head.

All of a sudden a gust of wind came and brushed some of my hair into my face, I pulled the hair back behind my ear and pulled my scarf up a little to cover my lips.

And with that gust of wind two boys also appeared; they went by The names Rick Riley and Gunther.

"We also just wanted to say that you should watch your back," Gunther said, causing Everyone to look at him a little shocked and I raised my eyebrow.

"What did I do to you?" I said in a little high-pitched voice that almost sounded sarcastic and silly.

They all stood there and looked around. "Well then..." I said with a sigh.

~Him~ (Charlie Conway x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now