Oblivious to your own danger

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Payu wasn't sure how he got roped into this alumni shadowing program. Although he was happy to help a promising young architect, he had enough work on his plate already. However, being on campus meant a chance to run into Beam and he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"Have any of our students impressed you, Payu?"

He turned to his professor with a smile.

"They've all done a good job, but I haven't found one that stands out to me yet."

"Ah, I see. Have you looked at these ones over here?"

"Hm, not yet."

The professor led Payu over to the far side of the room.

"I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this student's work."

"Really? Why this one in particular?"

"Ah, we've made this anonymous for a reason. I wouldn't want to affect your opinion."

On the inside Payu was rolling his eyes at the over-the-top professor, but outwardly he smiled politely and looked at the student's work. After a moment he looked back up at the professor.


"You're impressed, aren't you, Payu? I can tell."

Payu leaned down to study the student's work more closely.

"I thought I knew all of the seniors' work, I recognised a lot here today, but this one... is unique."

"Have you found your mentee?"

"I think so, Sir."

"Excellent, she will be very pleased."


"Oops! I've said too much. You'll have to wait a little longer for the reveal. Excuse me while I check on the others."

For a second, Payu considered the possibility that this could be Beam's work. All his old professors had told the alumni about the students were that they were the best and brightest. As such, he had assumed that they would mainly be seniors and some juniors, but not any freshmen. He didn't remember hearing that Beam was top of her class anyway.

After claiming his chosen student, Payu spoke to some of his fellow alumni until everyone had chosen and it was time to bring in the students.

"Your student is going to be so happy when they find out they get to work with you, Payu. Ours are going to be disappointed."

"Not at all, Phi. They should all be glad to be getting this opportunity, no matter which of us they will be working with."

Payu was relieved when they were interrupted by the professor bringing in the students.

"Now, each of you stand by your work, yes, yes, that's it -"

As he turned to watch the incoming students, he smiled politely at the ones he recognised and tried to figure out which one would be shadowing him at work. Payu saw Sky enter first, and then Beam right behind him and his eyes lit up. Following her with his gaze, he watched as she walked over and stood beside the work which had impressed him the most. Beam was his chosen student.

"- and then our special alumni will walk over to their selected student. Okay, is everybody ready? Alumni, please go to your winners."

Payu noticed the shock on Beam's face when she saw him and noticed her shake her head as he walked towards her. He wanted to laugh as he was almost certain that she was praying for him to not have picked her.

Sorry to disappoint.

"It's nice to see you again, Beam."

He watched as her eyes shifted from side to side before greeting him politely.

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