Crushing Defeat

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"Hiding from debt collectors?"

Beam jumped as Sky crept up behind her. It was scary how spot-on her cousin was, even if he was only joking. She had been cautiously walking around campus worried that Payu might turn up to collect his payment. This morning she had woken up to a text from him reminding her that he never forgets someone who owes him.

"Ah! You scared me!"

"What are you doing?"


"Are you hiding from P'Payu?"

"No! Why would I be hiding from him? Sky, did you know he owns a garage? He was fixing up a bike for a race too."

"P'Payu doesn't race."

Beam suddenly got an idea. She would get proof to show everyone that Payu wasn't who they all thought he was.

"Sky, can you find out where the race is? Please, please, please! Will you help me?"

"You know I will."

"Thank you! You're the best."

"Okay... come on, let's get to class."

When their class had finished, there was a group of their classmates crowded around something.

"What's going on?"

It was hard to see through all the people, but once they made it to the front Beam immediately turned around and tried to run away. A hand grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Thank you for your help. I've found the person I was looking for."

"Anytime P'Payu!"

Payu tried to drag Beam away but she struggled.

"Let me go!"

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"


Payu held back a smirk as the looked at the students surrounding them. They all looked very interested in why he was there for Beam.

"I called to tell you about the repair fee."

"Repair fee for what?"

He turned to Ple to answer her question before looking down at Beam, raising his eyebrow in a challenge.

"For her car's repair at my family's garage. I guess you can pay the rest right here. You've already paid for some of it by letting me -"

Beam covered his mouth with her hand. She had no doubt that he would reveal to her classmates exactly what she had let him do to her. Somehow it would get twisted and everyone would think that she had been talking bad about him because he rejected her. Laughing it off, she removed her hand. Happy that she was going to come willingly, Payu dragged her away.

He led her to a small corridor at the back of the building with only two doors, one being an empty classroom. Once they were alone, Beam ripped her arm free from his grasp. Payu let her, smiling down at her instead.

"Didn't you want your friends to know that you spent the night with me?"

Beam glared up at him as he stood in front of her. When she didn't reply, he raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you going to greet your senior? You were so eager at the alumni party, what changed?"

He reached out to touch her face but she moved out of the way. His brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

"Do you know what I hate most? Liars. I told you it would be expensive and you said you could pay."

"I can, but you won't let me!"

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