5. The Curse

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TWO MONTHS are all it took for Thea to realize Polly's words weren't meaningless.
Two months is all it took for her to wake up from the strong winds and come to the conclusion she had sand around her, instead of the covers on her bed.
A few kisses and some sweet words are all it took for Thea to follow Isaiah there.

And a second is all it took for Dorothea to realize she was fucked.


Truly and utterly fucked.

What was she going to tell everybody? She could lie about who she was with, couldn't she?

"Fuck! Fucking fuck!" As if Tommy would believe her.

What even was the time? Why did she fall asleep? Or when? It was freezing.

"Oh my God, I'm fucking dead!"

A confused Isaiah rose up from his spot on the cold sand, rubbing his eyes in a desperate attempt to make the sunlight less burning, "The fuck are you on about?"

He had a reputation.

For a glimpse of time, perhaps, he could've thought he was lying next to a working woman he'd spent a night with. That, however, was not the case. This was Dorothea. Dorothea Shelby. And in the last weeks, he did spend time with her. A lot of it, in fact. But never in that way.

Gripping his hands away from his face, Thea scoffed in bewilderment.
"What am I on about!? We have fallen asleep on a beach, half naked, I haven't been home since yesterday at four in the afternoon, and out clothes are still damp with salt water!"

"Ah, shit.." He cursed as the realization of last night's events settled in.
Tommy was going to kill them both.

"Is that all you have to fucking say?!" She grabbed hanging his shirt from the nearby tree branch and threw it at him, hoping his sleepy arse wouldn't leg it drop. "Get dressed!"

"Sir, yes sir.." He mocked, not really thinking it though before she shot him a glare. "I meant ma'am. I said I meant ma'a— Christ, don't—" But her hands had already gotten the best of her, squeezing a questionably humid cloth that yesterday was presumably used as an accessory to her long, blonde plaint, over his head, water dripping from his hair into his brown eyes and down his face. For a moment she wished she could photograph it. He was pissed. And, maybe, if she wasn't about to get the beating of her life, she would've let more than a amused smile creep onto her face. But for their situation? Even that was too much.

"Get up from your arse and start thinking of an excuse!"

"I was sleeping." He shrugged, securing his trousers with the brown belt he'd just grabbed.

"You were sleeping? Really?"


"Just like that?"

"Mhm.." He hummed as he put his shirt and coat on.

"You know, Isaiah.. I find it really hard to believe you're actually that stupid." She commented, pinching at the space between her brows from annoyance.

"I was sleeping, in my bed, at my house, like a normal man on a normal Thursday morning." He started, "What about you?"

"You are unbelievable."

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