When the ones we love say goodbye

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Back in the plane crash......

"Derek? Derek? Can you hear me?" I hear a sobbing Meredith shout at a still Derek. I walk over to her and put my arm around her shoulder and hold her tightly as I let her sob into me.

"What happened?" asks Mark as he approached us, returning from collecting firewood. I nod my head towards Derek and his face goes ghostly pale and he collapses to the ground in a sobbing heap. I look over to Arizona who has tears quickly flowing down her cheek and onto her shirt, and I can't help but wonder why I am not reacting to his death the same way as the others. I look up at the sky just in time to see the first raindrop fall from the sky and I notice the dark clouds that are looming over us.

"We should move, there is a storm coming," I suggest and they all look up at me with their grief-stricken eyes.

"I'll help Arizona, you help Meredith," Mark complies reluctantly. I slowly help Meredith up and lead her over to a small part of the plane that will keep us dry from the rain that is starting to pick up. We sit close together and watch the rain start pouring down around us, but not getting us wet for the most part. We eventually fall asleep to the sound of the rain, only to be woken up with the sound of the plane part we were sleeping under moving back and forth in the strong wind.

"We need to move, this could fall down on us at any moment," I say groggily to the others who are now somewhat awake. I help Meredith get up and get ready to move just as a huge gust of wind comes along and blows that plane piece away, thankfully not on top of anyone.

"Where should we go?" Meredith asks, her voice hoarse from crying.

"Over there underneath that heavier piece if metal the wind won't be able to blow away," I point to a huge piece of the plane lying about two hundred meters away.

"You and Meredith go ahead, I'll help Arizona," Mark says and I help Meredith up and start to make our way through the pouring rain.

"I can go by myself if you want to help Mark and Arizona," Meredith offers and I look back at them. They are struggling to get her because of Arizona's leg and the low visibility due to the rain.

"I will, but can you stay here and wait for us as well?" I ask, not wanting to let her out of my sight.

"I guess," she says, and I start to head back to them. I turn around just in time to see the tree Meredith was standing under start to fall down. She goes to move, but it is too late, it will fall on her by the time she steps out of the way. I think about how It's my fault she's under that tree, I told her to wait for me as I run back to her. As I approach her I speed up and quickly push her out of the way of the tree just in time to save her, but not me. The tree landed on the middle of my back and I can't feel anything from that part down. This either means I'm paralyzed or I have major internal bleeding, probably both.

"Meredith, are you okay?" I ask, even though I'm probably going to die. Unless the helicopter gets here in the next thirty minutes I'm going to die of internal bleeding, but as long as Meredith is alright and alive I'm fine with that.

"I'm uh, fine," she says, but I can tell her voice is full of pain.

"Can you go get help?" I ask her, and I can hear her burst into tears. I slowly look up to see her staring at me, but I have to put my head back down because it is too painful.

"I can't, part of the plane was in that tree and it fell down on my leg," she says her voice quivering.

"Meredith, Cristina where are you?" I here Mark call in the distance, but I'm too weak to respond.

"We're over here, we're over here," I hear Meredith shout back as loud as she could. I look up and see the light coming closer and closer, I guess this what happens when you die. As I get closer I see my father, Derek, and Lexie waiting for me, and I look sadly back at Meredith.

"Tell Owen I love him," I say, as the last ounce of my strength exits my body as I am embraced by my father and go into the light.


What do you guys think of my new chapter? Two deaths in one chapter, but don't worry I am planning to tell what happens after the plane crash as well. I believe in the next chapter I'm going to switch it back to Alex's POV and then the chapter after that to one of the people who are still alive. I had started off this story planning for one person to stay alive, but I changed my mind so I killed them off. I'm sorry about killing off Derek and Cristina because I know they are fan favorites. You probably know that Meredith will blame herself for Cristina's death because she pushed her out of the way and saved her. Well I've got to go now, so........

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