The New World and Childhood Memories

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"Mer are you okay?" I say, crouching down to her level.

"Yeah, just a little but dizzy and tired," Meredith answers while trying to get up, but I stop her.

"Wait a little bit before you get up," I say and she nods as she lays back down.

"Mark, us two should go look for some materials to make a fire," I say, and we go into the woods together.

"I know I shouldn't think that all of us are definitely going to survive, but how can you not? How can you imagine a world without Meredith, or Derek? How can you even think or survive in a world where the ones you care about don't exist?" Mark questions and I look sadly at him.

"I know it's hard, but it's not impossible. When I was nine I was in a car crash with my father. He was my favorite person in the whole wide world because he was always there for me, but he bled out in front of me. I tried to stop the bleeding, but the ambulance didn't come in time," I softly comment, not looking at his face as we wonder farther into the woods. I look back every once in a while to make sure I could still see the plane so we didn't get lost. After Mark and I each have an armful of sticks and kindling we head back to the others.

"Thank god you guys are back, we were getting worried," Meredith comments as we approach the rest of them.

"Well we found stuff to make a fire with later," Mark says as he goes to sit down between Derek and Arizona and I sit next to Meredith.

"So what should we do to past the time?" Arizona asks us, then a gleeful expression crosses both Mark and Derek's faces.

"Oh no, what did you guys come up with?" I sigh as I see them exchange gleeful expressions.

"The sharing circle game," Derek says innocently.

"Are you guys serious? Do we look like we are in preschool right now?" I ask, rolling the eyes at the two of them. They are literally the two oldest here and they are acting like annoying twelve year old boys.

"It's not at bad as it seems Yang. One person starts by asking a question, then we go around the circle and answer it ending with the person who started," Mark explains, and I decide to just go along with it.

"Who is going to start?" Arizona asks cheerfully, and I roll my eyes. I look around thinking how am I the most mature person here, but I see Meredith is rolling her eyes as well.

"Me of course," Mark says, and Derek laughs.

"Okay, go ahead," I sigh.

"What is the childhood memory that you remember the best?" Mark questions.

"When two men came into my father's store and shot him for his watch," Derek answers solemnly.

"When I was five Dr. Webber left my mom and she tried to kill herself. She forced me to watch her because that was the consequence of loving someone, but after she passed out from blood loss I called the ambulance," Meredith answers, and we look at her with shock.

"Dr. Webber used to date your mom?" Mark asks surprised.

"Yep, she left Thatcher for him, but he wouldn't leave Adele," she answers, and I nod my head.

"Mine is when I was in a car crash at nine years old and my father bled out in front of me," I answer, and Mark nods.

"When I was eighteen my brother had gone off to fight in the war the previous year, but we found out he had been killed in action," Arizona says, and the circle goes onto Mark.

"When Derek brought me home with him and Mrs. Shepherd accepted me into her family," Mark answers, and Derek smiles.

Sorry this chapter is really short! I started writing this chapter but then I accidentally made it too long so I decided to split it into two. The second part will be up some as soon as I finish it, and it will be in Alex's POV. What do you think of Mark's conversation with Cristina. I really hope you guys have liked my story so far. Something big will happen soon! I promise that the second part of this chapter will be more interesting! I can't wait for tomorrow's TGIT!!!!!!

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