2 | Intricate Interaction

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5750 words! Phew~~

Chapter 2

"Taxi" the girl scream at top of her lungs, waving her arms in front of the yellow cab. But like all other cab, this one did also go on minding his own business. She stomp her foot on the ground with all the angry she has for the cab driver. Poor Earth :⁠'⁠(

She was not able to find a cab online if that was not enough, all of these cab drivers are making her go mad. She run her hand through her Ruby red hair which lay down till her waist. Her gemstone green eyes shining under the light of sun. She has round shape face but her chin was little lower, her lower lip was fuller then the upper and light coral in colour, tiny nose which is perfect in its place and she has two piercing in her left ear and three piercing in her right ear. By her appearance she looked not so tall nor too short.

She looks up and find her self going back to the parking area that her apartment has. she was in no mood to ride her bike. but, she would end up becoming a murderer of one of those drives. So it's better to ride the bike.

She was looking a perfect status of feminism as her red hair skip the helmet and wave with the cozy with.
As she made it to her destination. She park her bike in the side of alleyway. Removing her helmet and swaying her hair she move ahead and press the button of bell and waited for some sec before she was greeted by a big smile on an early 40's lady's face.

"Bless me, look who's here!" She says with a tone of excitement in her voice. Extending the door all the way so she can get inside the house.

"Ohh, it's not like i haven't came here lately" the girl said. Attacking her by a tight hug. "So, where is Vanesa?"

"Up stairs in her room" Inessa baladin says to the girl "hey, did something happens?. She's turning into a weirdo!" She ask. The mother care kicking in for her daughter.

"I really don't know!" The girl said putting her hands up and nodding her head, her hair swaying with the movement of her head.

"Ok, have fun. I bring you guys something to eat." Inessa said making her way back to the kitchen.

The girl took a deep breath, preparing her self for what ever she is going to face by her best friend.

She slowly make her way inside her best friend's room. There she is resting her head in head board ear plugs in. She get inside and stand in front her. It took her some sec to realise that someone is staring at her. Vanesa slowly peeked through her eyelid.

"Hey!" The girl said waving her hands.

"Thank God you came! I have something really, really big things to share with you" Vanesa exclaimed standing up and resting her both arms in her friend's shoulder.

"Your mom was right. You have gone mad, you really are." The girl said nodding her head and then she added "Oh, god what have you done to my one and only friend" she said, looking up at ceiling. She get back with a smack on her arm "ouch" she gave Vanesa a dead glare.

"Stop it! Will you ms. Julia Elora brown" Vanesa said moving her hands up and down with every word her lips slips

"Okay, explode your bomb on me, but make it quick" Julia said finally getting serious. They both sat down in the small bed.

"Hmm, better. So there's a boy named...." Before Vanesa could finish. She was cut of by her friend.

"BOY" she exclaimed her eyes bulging out. Just like all other bestie who exaggerate their expression.

"Ahhhh..! Just listen to me" Vanesa said getting all angry; scrunching her nose.

"Okay, continue" Julia said as if giving her permission to continue her presentation.

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